Biochemistry Wireless (WIFI) Policy

This policy applies to all non-DoIT provided wireless access points including Apple’s Time Capsule.

DoIT supplied wireless internet/network access is available for use in the various Biochemistry Buildings. If wireless signal in your area is not sufficient please contact Biochemistry IT so we can work with DoIT on supported solutions. Generally, other wireless access points should not be added to the University of Wisconsin computer network. If a wireless access point is connected to the network certain security features must be activated.

  1. IT must be notified of all wireless access points.

  2. All login, administration and security passwords on the device must meet the university secure password requirements.

  3. All access points must be configured to use WPA or WPA2 to encrypt the wireless data transmission and passwords are required for access.

  4. If you are using a shared key for access the key should be changed quarterly. IT may be able to work with you to configure authentication using you Biochem usernames and passwords to avoid this.

  5. If possible the device should be locked to specific MAC addresses to limit access.

  6. SSID broadcast must be disabled (I.E. the wireless network should be a “hidden” network).

  7. The wireless network name must be something easily identifiable to show the owner and/or location of the device and must not conflict with the DoIT provided wireless names.

Biochemistry Wireless Policy WIFI 
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Owned by:
Anna C. in CALS Biochemistry IT
CALS Biochemistry Information Technology, CALS Information Technology