L&S Form: 161 & 233 Project Management

Instructions related to the 161 & 233 Project Management form. This page was last updated in May 2024.

This form is used to send changes related to 161 & 233 Projects:

  • Modifications (e.g., PI name, description, dates, project name)
  • Project Closure
  • Questions or issues related to projects.

The form fields are listed below.

Link to form: 161 & 233 Project Management

Modifying Project

Closure questions
Name of L&S Department / Program Select the L&S Department or Program.
Project number
Enter the project number of the 161 or 233 Project.
Project Action
Select 'Modify'
Modify the Project

Modification needed. Options:

  • PI Name
  • Description
  • Dates
  • Project Name
  • Other

If multiple changes are needed, select 'Other'.

Describe Modification
Provide the new information for the project.
End of Form
Supporting Documents

Optional - upload supporting documents if needed.

Additional Information

Optional - additional context if needed.

Additional Contacts

Optional - Other departmental/program staff who may be contacted with questions.

Form feedback

Optional - Add feedback about the form or related L&S KB pages.


Closure questions
Name of L&S Department / Program Select the L&S Department or Program.
Project number
Enter the project number of the 161 or 233 Project.
Project Action
Select 'Close'
Fund closure questions
Fund Closure Date

Date to close the project

Balance Zero

Yes / No, is the project closed

Current balance
Displays if 'No' is selected for current balance. List balance, any plans for transferring balance, and additional transactions.
End of Form
Supporting Documents

Optional - upload supporting documents if needed.

Additional Information

Optional - additional context if needed.

Additional Contacts

Optional - Other departmental/program staff who may be contacted with questions.

Form feedback

Optional - Add feedback about the form or related L&S KB pages.

Problem or Question

Describe the problem or question.
Problem or Question
Name of L&S Department / Program Select the L&S Department or Program.
Project number
Enter the project number of the 161 or 233 Project.
Project Action
Select 'Problem or Question'

Describe your problem or question.

Some examples: balance or budget question

End of Form
Supporting Documents

Optional - upload supporting documents if needed.

Additional Information

Optional - additional context if needed.

Additional Contacts

Optional - Other departmental/program staff who may be contacted with questions.

Form feedback

Optional - Add feedback about the form or related L&S KB pages.

233 project, gift management, form, 161 project 
Doc ID:
Owned by:
Amanda M. in L&S KB