Cool Timeline Accessibility and Usability Information

This document summarizes the accessibility and usability barriers identified during testing as well as how to get help. Cool Timeline is a WordPress plugin that can be used to create horizontal or vertical interactive timelines.

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Accessibility and usability barriers 

The following information is provided to help people with disabilities know what potential barriers may exist.

Screen reader accessibility barriers may impact users who are blind or have low vision

The following barriers were discovered in testing a horizontal timeline: 

  • When the Previous or Next button is selected, its shift to a new milestone/new slide may not be announced to the user. 

The following barriers were discovered in testing a vertical timeline: 

  • When images are lightboxed, the Close button is not announced in a logical order. 
  • When the sticky side navigation is enabled, there are several screen reader accessibility barriers. 

Keyboard navigation barriers could make using the platform difficult for some users, such as people with motor disabilities

The following barriers were discovered in testing a vertical timeline: 

  • When images are linked or lightboxed, the focus outline may be partially or completely obscured for some images. 
  • When images are lightboxed, the Close button does not receive keyboard focus. 
  • When the sticky side navigation is enabled, there are several keyboard navigation barriers. 

Keywordstimeline, WordPress, plugin, screen reader, keyboard, navigation, focus, lightbox, accessibility, usability   Doc ID137378
OwnerDaniella P.GroupIT Accessibility and Usability
Created2024-05-16 09:43:09Updated2024-05-16 10:05:08
SitesDoIT Help Desk, IT Accessibility and Usability
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