Platform X: User Guide - Platform X Control Panel Web App

Provides a guide for using the Platform X Control Panel web app


The Platform X Control Panel is a web application that researchers can easily use to access their lab benches, stop & start VMs, and view cost reports.

Connecting to Platform X cloud resources requires a number of Azure CLI commands and can be difficult to remember.  A web app was created to facilitate the process, and also to host other resource management functions.

Note the CLI commands are still a viable way to connect and provide some benefits: those commands can be found here: Platform X: User Guide - Project-Specific Azure Commands (or viewed in the Platform X Control Panel using the 'List All Commands' button).


[Link for document 119988 is unavailable at this time]


  • A Browser on a workstation that is connected to an approved VPN
    • most commonly using the Global Protect VPN with gateway address


Website URL and Authentication

Navigate to the web app at

Select the 'Login' button on the sidebar.  Once authenticated, use the sidebar menu items to navigate.

NOTE: A connection to an approved VPN (eg is required for accessing resources.  Logging in will fail if the workstation is not connected to the VPN.

Project Management

Navigate to 'Project Control Panel' using the sidebar menu item of the same name.  If you have access to more than one project, dropdowns will be present: expand the relevant category to view accessible project(s).  Select the project to load resources and populate the main window.

Virtual Machines tab

A list of virtual machines in the project will appear, and the 'Project Management' menu on the right side will be populated with available commands.  The below screenshot shows some: more may be added, and some may be disabled (either because it doesn't apply in the current context, or the feature is not yet available).

VM Control

Follow the prompts to initialize resources, launch commands, or request help.

The current state of a VM is listed after the name (for example 'VM running' if powered on, or 'VM deallocated' if currently off).  The color of a virtual machine's name also changes to reflect its current state.

Start VM

Selecting this button will power on the VM resource in Azure--note this operation typically takes several minutes.  While the operation is running, the web app will display a notification:

The VM state will change to 'VM Running' once complete and the menu will refresh, ready for the next action.

Remote into VM

The 'Remote into VM' command opens the VM's Bastion page in the Azure Portal in a new tab, ready to receive credentials. 

Populate the Username and Password field with the following values:

Username: AzureAd\{netId}

Password: {Px Account password}

(don't include the curly braces, they are simply used to denote where personalized content needs to be inserted in the above)

Image showing Azure Portal Bastion pane with an example username syntax for RDPing into a VM

Stop VM

Selecting this button will deallocate the VM resource in Azure (meaning no charges are incurred for the resource).  This operation typically takes several minutes.  While the operation is running, the web app will display a notification:

Project Management Commands

Table showing a list of Project Management menu items and a description of each
Menu Item Description

Refresh VM Status

Refreshes the current list of VMs

List Command Cheatsheet

Lists Az CLI commands that can be used locally (including in scripts) to accomplish the same tasks as the web app is facilitating.

Open Cost Analysis

Opens the Cost Analysis pane of the currently selected project in a new tab.

NOTE: Due to a limitation in how Cost Analysis works, if a project has more than one resource group in Azure only the first one's Cost Analysis pane will be open, potentially resulting in an incomplete view of costs.

Support Menu Items

Table showing a list of Support Menu menu items and a description of each
Menu Item Description

View Px Control Panel Help Docs

Opens up a link to this KB page

Submit a Request to Platform X Support

Opens the Platform X request form in a new tab. 

Platform X FAQ

Opens the Platform X FAQ article in a new tab. 

Globus (Data Transfer in and out)

Opens the Globus web app in a new tab. 

SMPH, Research, Compute, "Data Commons", PlatformX, Px, "Platform X", Virtual Machine, "Remote Desktop", RDP 
Doc ID:
Owned by:
Lucas G. in SMPH Research Informatics
SMPH Research Informatics , SMPH Research Informatics TEST