Lumen/Guide: How to Add/Edit Undergraduate How to Get in Content

Help for how to add the tables on the How to Get in tab in Lumen/Guide.

How to add/edit content in the How to Get in - Requirements table

General guidance

  • Keep text simple and to the point.
  • Use the Advising and Careers tab to provide information about the mechanics of how to declare.
  • Relocate any other information to more appropriate tabs (Entering the School/College, Admissions, etc.).
  • Only articulate how to get into the major with the assumption the student is already admitted to UW-Madison.
  • In limited situations, application/declaration intent as a part of the application to UW-Madison may be articulated. Consult the How to Get in implementation team before adding this content on the tab.

Reminder: The software does not auto save. It's recommended to click the green OK button and save your proposal frequently throughout this process. To open the table after saving, double click the blue Pre-Defined Table.

Specific field help

How to get in

You must choose one of two options, exactly as written, no more, and no less:

  1. No application required. All students who meet the requirements listed below are eligible to declare. For information on how to declare, see Advising & Careers.
  2. Application required. Meeting the requirements listed below does not guarantee admission. (insert link to application in parentheses)
Recommendations and formatting

It's recommended to use a go.wisc URL for all external websites; links cannot be embedded (URLs display in their entirety).

Courses required to get in

  • You must list all courses required to declare/apply.
  • Indicate whether the course must be completed prior to or can be concurrently enrolled for declaration/application.
  • If no courses are required, enter "None."
  • If General Education is included in the courses required to get in, list satisfaction of the requirement by name (Communication A, Quantitative Reasoning A) but don't list the specific courses.
  • Formatting is limited, but it's recommended to use text as a header and then use a bulleted list for the courses. See the table help below.
Recommendations and formatting
  • When listing multiple courses, use commas and use the word "and". Ampersands cause display issues (ticket submitted to vendor, 2024-07-30)
  • When using the bulleted list, it's not necessary to insert an additional blank line between that and the next header (see next image).
  • When using text, it is necessary to add an additional blank line between headers (see next image).
    A screen shot of the pre-defined table using text of "Introductory Biology" with three options beneath it using the asterisk and space; the text of "Communication A" immediately proceeds the list. There is a space between the "Communications A" text and "Social Science".
  • Use the subject short description in all caps plus the catalog number (ex. BIOLOGY 151).
  • If a course is cross-listed, list only one of the subjects.
  • If listing a sequence or an "or" class, enter the subject before each catalog number (ex. BIOLOGY 151 and BIOLOGY 152)

GPA requirements to get in

  • You must list the GPA requirements required to declare/apply.
  • If no GPA requirements are required, enter "None."
Recommendations and formatting

If there is more than one statement, use a bulleted list. See the table help below.

Credits required to get in

  • You must list the number of credits required (over or under) required to declare/apply.
  • If there are no limits, enter "None."
Recommendations and formatting

If there is more than one statement, use a bulleted list. See the table help below.


  • Enter additional requirements that do not fit in the categories above, if applicable.
  • If no additional requirements, enter "None."
  • This field is a catch all for other relevant information about how to declare. Consult the How to Get in implementation team about appropriateness in this field.
Recommendations and formatting

If there is more than one statement, use a bulleted list. See the table help below.

Help by row (table format)

An overview of the guidance and examples for the how to get in table.
Requirements field (must match exactly) Details field Examples
How to Get in

This field must use one of the following:

  1. No application required. All students who meet the requirements listed below are able to declare. For information on how to declare, see Advising & Careers.
  2. Application required. Meeting the requirements listed below does not guarantee admission. (insert link to application in parentheses)
  • Application required. Meeting the requirements listed below does not guarantee admission. (
  • Application required. Meeting the requirements listed below does not guarantee admission. (
  • No application required. All students who meet the requirements listed below are able to declare. For information on how to declare, see:
Courses required to get in
  • [insert course list]
  • None.

Calculus I (one of)

  • MATH 221
  • MATH 171 and MATH 217

General Chemistry (one of)

  • CHEM 103 and CHEM 104
  • CHEM 109
  • CHEM 115
GPA requirements to get in
  • [insert GPA requirements]
  • None.
  • Minimum 2.750 cumulative GPA based on all UW-Madison coursework
  • 2.00 GPA in all major courses
  • None
Credits required to get in
  • [insert credit requirements]
  • None.

  • 24 credits completed at UW-Madison
  • Sixty (60) credits must be completed by the end of the summer semester prior to entering the program. AP, IB, retro-credits, and credit-granting transfer coursework from other institutions (including coursework completed while in high school) all count toward the 60 credits.
  • None
  • [insert additional context]
  • None.
  • Only one application attempt allowed.
  • None

Other help and examples

How to add/edit requirement details (right column)

  1. Double click the Pre-Defined table.
    A screen shot of the Pre-defined table with a message stating "Pre-Defined Table - double click to edit"
  2. Click on the header you wish to add/edit details.
    A screen shot of the Pre-Defined Table edit screen with the "How to Get in" item selected.
  3. Click in the Details field. Enter your text. The window may be made larger by clicking on the triangle next to the cancel button.
    A screen shot of the Pre-Defined Table edit screen showing the Details: field highlighted with a red box.
  4. Either Click the green OK button to save or click on another header to add/edit text in another field.
    A screen shot of the Pre-Defined Table edit screen with the "Courses required to get in" item selected and the green OK button highlighted by red boxes..
  5. When complete, click the green OK button and save your program proposal.
    A screen shot of the Pre-Defined Table edit screen with a red box around the green OK button.

How-to help setting up bulleted lists in pre-defined tables

  1. Select the row where you want to add data.
    A screen shot of the Pre-Defined Table edit screen with the "Courses required to get in" item selected.
  2. Click in the Details: box.
    A screen shot of the Pre-Defined Table edit screen with the "Details" edit field highlighted with a red box..
  3. Enter the header text. There is no additional formatting available (boldface, italic, etc.)
    A screen shot of the Pre-Defined Table edit screen with the text "Calculus" entered in the Details field.
  4. Enter an asterisk, a single space (* ), and the content you want to have in the list (single item) ex. * MATH 221
    A screen shot of the Pre-Defined Table edit screen with the "* MATH 221" and "* MATH 171 and MATH 217" entered under "Calculus" in the details field.
  5. Return/Enter for a new line in the table and repeat step 4 until you have your whole list.
    A screen shot of the Pre-Defined Table edit screen with Chemistry and CHEM courses added in the details field.
  6. Click the green OK button to save.
    A screen shot of the Pre-Defined Table edit screen with the green OK button highlighted by a red box.
Final product

A screen shot of the Pre-Defined table showing the content entered in the previous steps.

Example tables

Human Ecology

A screenshot of an example of a fully populated How to Get in table.


A screenshot of an example of a fully populated How to Get in table.


A screenshot of an example of a fully populated How to Get in table.

How to add content in the How to Get in - Application Deadlines table

General guidance

  • If a program requires an application, you must include an application deadlines table.
  • Only use a specific date if it is always the same, regardless the day of the week. ex. February 15
  • Articulate a range that covers what the deadlines and decision notification timeline. Be accurate on the deadlines without being so specific that the table needs to be updated annually.
  • Each "Deadline to Apply" column must be populated, even if you do not admit for that term.
  • If you do not admit for one or more terms, use this exact language in the Deadline to Apply field:
    • This program does not accept applications to start in the fall.
    • This program does not accept applications to start in the spring.
    • This program does not accept applications to start in the summer.

Reminder: The software does not auto save. It's recommended to click the green OK button and save your proposal frequently throughout this process. To open the table after saving, double click the blue Pre-Defined Table.

Other help and examples

How to add/edit deadline details (center and right column)

  1. Double click the Pre-Defined table. A new window will open.
    A screen shot of the Pre-defined table with a message stating "Pre-Defined Table - double click to edit"
  2. Click on the header you wish to add/edit details.
    A screen shot of the Pre-Defined Table edit screen with the "To apply for a fall start" item selected.
  3. Enter deadline information in the "Deadline to apply" field.
    A screen shot of the Pre-Defined Table edit screen with the "Deadline to apply" field highlighted by a red box.
  4. Enter notification information in the "Decision notification timeline" field.
    A screen shot of the Pre-Defined Table edit screen with the "Decision notification timeline" field highlighted by a red box.
  5. Repeat steps 2-4 until complete.
  6. Click the green OK button to save.
    A screen shot of the Pre-Defined Table edit screen with the green OK button highlighted by a red box.
Final product

A screen shot of a final product with application deadlines/notifications filled in for fall with notes that the program does not admit in the spring and summer in the other two rows.

Example tables

Example 1

A screenshot of an example of a fully populated Application Deadlines table.

Example 2

A screenshot of an example of a fully populated Application Deadlines table.

Example 3

A screenshot of an example of a fully populated Application Deadlines table.

Example 4

A screenshot of an example of a fully populated Application Deadlines table.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Why do we have to do this?

This presents the necessary information on how to “get in” to a major in a student centered, consistent, easy-to-consume format. Feedback from students, advisors, and the Center for User Experience (CUE) indicates that the inconsistency across all Schools/Colleges is difficult to interpret in the various types of undergraduate programs (limited enrollment programs, no admissions requirements, applications, etc.).

Our requirements for declaring the major don’t fit neatly into the tables that are being used, what do we do?

Consult with your school/college academic planner. The intent is to present students with clear and consistent information. If the current set-up does not work, your academic planner will consult with the project team for best action.

What if any, changes can be made to the How to Get in tab as part of a mid-cycle update?

Mid-cycle updates follow the standard guidelines for updates: they should be rare, but not impossible. Consult with your school/college academic planners for eligibility.

What tips or advice do you have for what should be included?

  • Be thoughtful about what you include. This is governed content and cannot be updated on-demand.
  • Do not include specific names, personal emails, or specific dates.
  • Refer to the contact box or the Advising and Careers for content that needs to be updated more frequently.

My program offers honors in the major and there are declaration requirements. Can I include information about how to get honors in the major?

You can reference honors in the major in the text below the table.. 

My program is available as an additional major. Can I include information about how to get into the additional major?

You can reference the additional major in the text below the table.

My program admits some students directly into the program through the university admission process. Can I include information about this?

You may reference this below the table using headings such as Prospective UW-Madison Students, Prospective First-Year Applicants or Prospective Transfer Applicants. The information provided should be limited to the fact that direct admission is an option.

My program admits some current UW-Madison differently based on distinguishable factors (e.g., admitted as a UW-Madison transfer student; student in their first year at UW-Madison). How can I account for this?

Create multiple tables; one for each distinct population.

Technical how to set-up each of the tables

How to add the How to Get in - Requirements table

  1. Click the icon to Insert/Edit a formatted table.
    A screenshot of the Lumen Programs form with the "Insert/Edit Formatted Table" Icon highlighted by a red box.
  2. A new window will open. Select from the drop-down "Pre-Defined Table"
    A screen shot showing the drop down with the "Pre-Defined Table" higlighted by a red box.
  3. Click the green OK.
    A screen shot of the Insert Formatted Table with the green OK highlighted by a red box.
  4. A new window prompt opens. Select "Undergraduate How to Get in - Requirements"
    A screen shot showing the Pre-Defined table, select table drop-down displaying the options with the "Undergraduate How to Get in - Requirements" highlighted by a red box.
  5. Click the green OK.
    A screen shot of the Pre-Defined Table window open with the "Undergraduate How to Get in - Requirements" table selected and the green OK button highlighted by a red box.
  6. This opens the pre-defined table.

    A screen shot of the pre-defined How to Get in Undergraduate requirements table without any added content.

Setting up the left column headers in the requirements table

Required rows

Each requirements table must have these rows (no more, no less):

  • How to get in
  • Courses required to get in
  • GPA requirements to get in
  • Credits required to get in
  • Other

Step-by-step how-to

  1. Enter "How to Get in" in the Requirements field.
    A screen shot of the Pre-Defined Table edit screen with "How to Get in" entered in the Requirements field.
  2. Click "New Row." This will add the "How to Get in" in the upper box of the table.
    A screen shot of the Pre-Defined Table edit screen with a red box around the "New Row" button.
    A screen shot of the Pre-Defined Table edit screen with "How to Get in" showing in the upper box listing the total rows in the table.
    1. If you need to make the window larger, you can click and grab the triangle next to the cancel button drag to make the window bigger.
      A screen shot of the Pre-Defined Table edit screen with a red box around the triangle in the bottom right hand corner of the table.
      A screen shot of the Pre-Defined Table slightly larger than before.
  3. Enter "Courses required to get in" in the Requirements field.
    A screen shot of the Pre-Defined Table edit screen with "Courses required to get in" entered in the Requirements field.
  4. Click "New Row."
    A screen shot of the Pre-Defined Table edit screen with a red box around the "New Row" button.
  5. Repeat these steps for the rest of the requirements fields utilizing the required rows.
  6. Click the green OK.
    A screen shot of the Pre-Defined Table edit screen with a red box around the green "OK" button.
  7. Save changes. The table should look like this:
    A screen shot of the How to Get in Requirements table with the left column populated.

How to add the How to Get in - Application Deadlines table

  1. Click the icon to Insert/Edit a formatted table.
    A screenshot of the Lumen Programs form with the "Insert/Edit Formatted Table" Icon highlighted by a red box.
  2. A new window will open. Select from the drop-down "Pre-Defined Table"
    A screen shot showing the drop down with the "Pre-Defined Table" higlighted by a red box.
  3. Click the green OK.
    A screen shot of the Insert Formatted Table with the green OK highlighted by a red box.
  4. A new window prompt opens. Select "Undergraduate How to Get in - Application Deadlines"
    A screen shot showing the Pre-Defined table, select table drop-down displaying the options with the "Undergraduate How to Get in - Application Deadlines" highlighted by a red box.
  5. Click the green OK.
    A screen shot of the Pre-Defined Table window open with the "Undergraduate How to Get in - Application Deadlines" table selected and the green OK button highlighted by a red box.
  6. This opens the pre-defined table.
    A screen shot of the pre-defined How to Get in Undergraduate deadlines table without any added content.

Setting up the left row headers in the deadlines table

Required rows

Each requirements table must have these rows (no more, no less):

  • To apply for a fall start
  • To apply for a spring start
  • To apply for a summer start

Step-by-step how-to

  1. Enter "To apply for a fall start" in the Semester field. This will auto-add it in the upper box once you click anywhere.
    A screen shot of the Pre-Defined Table edit screen with a red box around the Semester field populated with "To apply for a fall start."
  2. Click New Row.
    A screen shot of the Pre-Defined Table edit screen with a red box around the "New Row" button.
  3. Enter "To apply for a spring start" in the Semester field. This will auto-add it in the upper box once you click anywhere.
    A screen shot of the Pre-Defined Table edit screen with a red box around the Semester field populated with "To apply for a spring start."
  4. Click New Row.
    A screen shot of the Pre-Defined Table edit screen with a red box around the "New Row" button.
  5. Enter "To apply for a summer start" in the Semester field. This will auto-add it in the upper box once you click anywhere.
    A screen shot of the Pre-Defined Table edit screen with a red box around the Semester field populated with "To apply for a summer start."
  6. Click the green OK button.
    A screen shot of the Pre-Defined Table edit screen with a red box around the green "OK" button.

How to Get in, limited enrollment program, undergraduate admissions 
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Melissa S. in Lumen and Guide
Lumen and Guide