Acuity One45 - Phase 3 Assessment/Evaluation Form Distribution Types and Process
Acuity One45 is responsible for sending out the Phase 3 assessment and evaluation forms to preceptors and students. The method of distribution of the forms is referred to as the Evaluation Workflow.
The evaluation workflow in Phase 3 is maintained by the Acuity Implementation team staff. If updates are needed for certain evaluation workflows, please contact the Acuity Implementation team at
Below is a process overview of each of the workflows within Phase 3 and how they operate within the system.
How to View a Course's Workflow(s)
At the implementation for Phase 3, all courses entered into Acuity were set up with workflows for assessments and evaluations. The course's assigned workflows can be viewed if the viewer is an assigned Rotation Head on the course.
To access a course through the rotation head:
- Click on "My eDossier" in the upper left corner.
- Click on the dropdown "Choose eDossier to view"
- Select the course + location from the dropdown menu (Phase 3 - Course Name | Location | Site)
The Workflow tab shows an overview of the evaluation workflow settings for that course + location. Click "view" to view the contents of the form assigned to that rotation.
NOTE: The Acuity One45 support team is responsible for setting up the Evaluation Workflows for Phase 3. Any questions can be directed to
Assessment: Distributor Function
(Preceptor Assessing Student)
The Distributor Function is a workflow in which a person (distributor) facilitates the matching between student and preceptor. Within Acuity One45, there are two ranks for the preceptors: Faculty and Teacher/Resident. If both ranks assess students, the distributor could receive multiple matching.
If a course is using the distributor workflow for assessments, it is most likely also being used for evaluations. This means that a distributor could receive up to 4 matches per student per course.
The process below describes the assessment distribution process, but this may run alongside the evaluation distribution process outlined below (Evaluation: Distributor Function (Student Evaluates Preceptor))
Phase 3 Assessment Distributor Process (Preceptor(s) Assessing Student)
Assessment: Best Guess List Function
(Preceptor Assessing Student)
The Best Guess List function is useful when a single person or group of people always assess students for a specific course.
Acuity One45 is able to add individual(s) to a course's best guess list which allows the assessment forms to be sent directly to the preceptor's To Do page in Acuity One45.
The process described below is when assessments are sent using the Best Guess List. This process may run alongside the process when evaluations are sent using the Best Guess List. See below (Evaluation: Best Guess Function (Student Evaluates Preceptor(s))
Phase 3 Assessment Best Guess List Process (Preceptor(s) Assessing Student)
Evaluation: Distributor Function
(Student Evaluates Preceptor(s))
The Distributor Function is a workflow in which a person (distributor) facilitates the matching between student and preceptor. If a course is using the distributor workflow for assessments, it is most likely also being used for evaluations. This means that a distributor could receive up to 4 matches per student per course.
The process below describes the evaluation distribution process, but this may run alongside the assessment distribution process outlined above (Assessment: Distributor Function (Preceptor(s) Assesses Student))
Phase 3 Evaluation Distributor Process (Student Evaluating Preceptor(s))
Evaluation: Best Guess List Function
(Student Evaluates Preceptor(s))
The Best Guess List function is useful when a single person or group of people always assess students for a specific course.
Acuity One45 is able to add individual(s) to a course's best guess list which allows the assessment forms to be sent directly to the preceptor's To Do page in Acuity One45.
The process described below is when assessments are sent using the Best Guess List. This process may run alongside the process when evaluations are sent using the Best Guess List. See above (Assessment: Best Guess Function (Preceptor(s) Assess Student)).
Phase 3 Evaluation List Process (Preceptor(s) Assessing Student)
Evaluation: Self-Send Function
(Student Evaluates Preceptor(s))
Many of the Phase 3 courses use a self-send function, in which the student can initiate evaluations of preceptors.
This process is entirely set up by the Acuity Implementation team and only interfaces with the student within Acuity One45.
- The first day of an enrolled course, the Phase 2&3 Preceptor Evaluation will appear in the student's To Do page. (This option will be available up to 30 days past the end of the course).
- Students may click the green plus sign to begin to request evaluations.
- A new window will open to enter information about the evaluation.
- Step 1: Select an Event: Two options will appear. The "attending" option will include all faculty. The "resident" option will include residents and teachers (non-faculty preceptors)
- Step 2: Select a Date: Enter the date in which you are initiating the evaluation (i.e. today's date)
- Step 3: Choose Who You Will Be Assessing: Select the preceptor or multiple preceptors from the list. If you do not see a preceptor immediately listed, you can use the search function to find them. If you are still not finding the preceptor, they may be under the other rank option.
- Click Send Forms.
Clicking Send Forms will send the form(s) to the students' To Do page which they may complete anonymously. A new tab will also open to complete the evaluation for the first faculty selected. This evaluation will still be in the students' To Do page and does not need to be completed immediately. - The default deadline for self-initiated forms is two weeks. A deadline will appear after the faculty name in the To Do list.
Questions and Support
For questions and support, please email: