LCS - Production Ready
Below you will find a list of the various KnowledgeBase documents relating to getting a Betty Blocks application ready for production
- Steps to take before an application goes live: LCS - Before setting your application live
- Documenting and completing testing of an application: LCS - Betty Blocks Application Testing Process
- Guide to the Software Development Lifecycle: LCS - Best Practices for the Software Development Lifecycle(SDLC) in Betty Blocks
Application security
- How to meet minimum security requirements: LCS - Best Security Practices
- Access for users without NetIDs: LCS - Adding users to an application that don't have NetIDs
- Submitting a request for an SSL certificate: LCS - Request and setup a SSL certificate
- How to set up Manifest groups to manage application access: LCS - Configuration of Manifest groups for application role mapping
- Adding ReCAPTCHA to public facing forms: LCS - ReCAPTCHA setup in Betty Blocks
- Selecting and requesting a URL: LCS - Application URL guide
- How to add a custom hostname: LCS - Add a custom hostname in Betty Blocks
Reviewing your application accessibility
- Accessibility and usability barriers in Betty Blocks: Betty Blocks Accessibility and Usability Information
- Recommended browser extension for accessibility reviews: LCS - WAVE Web Accessibility Evaluation Tool
Merging changes to new environments
- How to move changes between environments: LCS - How to Merge Changes in a Sandbox up to the Next Level
Decommissioning an application
- Steps to take for decommissioning an application LCS - Decommissioning a Betty Blocks Application