Officer Transition

Each spring, student organizations go through a transfer of leadership. The Student Affairs Team seeks to assist each organization in effecting this transition as smoothly as possible. Newly elected student officers should undertake the following steps after assuming their leadership roles within an organization.

Provide updated leadership information 

Please update your leadership information for 2024-2025 by filling out the 2024-2025 UW Law Student Organization E-Boards form. Most groups completed the form in the Spring 2024 semester. If you need to make changes or are forming a new RSO in 2024-2025, please email the Student Life & Engagement Manager Carlie Wiseley ( for the link. This creates the master list of student org leaders for things like the Orientation Student Org Fair, student funding and event planning info, and more, so it is important that you complete this form once you have elections. Even if you do not plan to have elections until the summer or fall, it is important that you provide a current contact for President and Treasurer as we will provide financial and Orientation information via those contacts. 

You should also update your WIN roster and required contacts after elections, so you can easily access and update your WIN page and receive important updates from the Center for Leadership & Involvement (CfLI). You can find instructions to update your WIN roster here. 

Register with the University

Don't forget to renew your org's registration over the summer recess. Please note that annual registration with the University is required to be a recognized student organization at the Law School. This means you must register to participate in org fairs, have a bulletin board, be on the website, receive funding, etc. You can find more information about registration on CfLI's website. 

The 2024-2025 Registration Dates are: 

  • Monday, July 8, 2024 at 10:00am (central time) - Registration forms open for Dual Registration groups, including Law School groups who were registered in the 2023-2024 academic year. 
  • Thursday, August 1, 2024 at 10:00am (central time) - Registration forms open for all student organizations and new organizations. Completing your registration prior to August 1st is recommended, as the processing time slows significantly after August 1st. However if you are forming a new group, you must wait until August 1st to complete registration.
  • Friday, October 11, 2024 - Freeze Day - Any organizations who have not completed registration will lose access to benefits. This includes campus benefits as listed on CfLI's website, and Law School benefits such as lockers, bulletin boards, and space reservations. 

Update your financial accounts

  • Contact your bank or credit union's Business and Specialized Service unit for assistance updating the signatories on your account before outgoing officers leave town. If you bank with UW Credit Union, please reference the UW Credit Union Account Transfer Procedure.   
  • Share your Employer ID Number (EIN)/Tax ID Number (TIN) with new officers and update the responsible party for your EIN via IRS form 8822-B. If you do not know your EIN, your bank may be able to help as they require a EIN to open organizational accounts. You may also be required to update the EIN responsible party prior to updating the signatories for your bank account. 
  • If you are a 501(c)(3) or (4) organization, make sure your taxes have been paid. Pass all tax records to the new officers. 

Take note of important dates

  • April: Mandatory JD Grants meeting for student org leaders. You can review the meeting materials online. 
  • August: 1L Student Organization Fair. Sign up is shared with student org leaders during summer recess. 
  • September: Student Org Leadership Training. Details and materials will be shared with student org leaders in late summer. 

Assign summer tasks 

  • Assign someone the responsibility to check your mailbox, update your bulletin board, and tidy your locker over the summer. As a reminder, please do not store food in your locker. 
  • Decide who will renew your group's registration with the University. Please note that CfLI will only process one registration chain per organization, so only one member may complete registration for your group. (See more information above under Register with the University.)
  • Decide who will review JD Grants deadlines and submit forms needed over the summer. **Note in 2024, co-curricular activities' budgets are due on July 15th and advisory budgets for RSO's who may request $5,000 or more are due on August 15th. You can review the full JD Grants timeline online. 

Host an officer transition meeting

It is important for outgoing officers to meet with new officers to ensure that all questions have been answered and all organizational accounts can be accessed. We recommend that officers meet individually for training at least once (i.e. outgoing president meets with incoming president, outgoing president meets with incoming president), and if time allows that all outgoing and incoming officers meet for a combined executive board meeting. 

During your transition meetings, be sure to pass along the following items: 

  • A copy of the organization's constitution/bylaws 
  • A complete position description and role classification (may be included in the constitution/bylaws) 
  • Financial records
  • Passwords to email, social media, etc. 
  • Previous minutes and reports 
  • Fliers, receipts, and supplementary materials from past projects 
  • Evaluations of previous projects and programs 
  • Information on current or ongoing projects and programs 
  • Timeline of the organization's annual activities and any ongoing projects 
  • Resources & Contact Lists 
  • Sample meeting agenda 
  • End of the year report 
  • Outgoing officer tips and suggestions 

executive board officer officers election officer transition leadership transition 
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Owned by:
Carlie W. in Law School Student Affairs Office
Law School Student Affairs Office