Lumen Badges: Overview and System Functionality

A brief overview on the Lumen Badges proposal system and how to navigate certain standard features.

About Lumen Badges

Lumen Badges is a form in the Lumen suite of tools that facilitates proposals and approvals of digital badges/microcredentials offered  in alignment with the official UW-Madison Digital Badging Policy and supported by the Learning Engineering Group at the Division of Continuing Studies (DCS) at UW-Madison. All new badges, proposals to change, or to deactivate/discontinue must be proposed through Lumen Badges. Badges are not reflected in Guide, as they are not a transcripted UW credential.

Roles and Responsibilities

All questions regarding badges must be directed to Sarah Korpi ( This includes help with filling out proposals, implementation, cost, etc.

Data, Academic Planning & Institutional Research (DAPIR) administers the forms and adjusts the workflow associated with proposals, but doesn't have any other responsibilities.

Badges, Lumen Badges 
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Melissa S. in Lumen and Guide
Lumen and Guide