Lumen Structures: How to Request Professional Certificate Codes (LCRT, MCRT, PCRT, VCRT) (Graduate/Professional Certificate)

Instructions on how to fill out proposals for adding the professional career SIS plan code for existing graduate certificates.

All graduate certificates (GCRTXXX) can be awarded to students in a professional career (law, medicine, pharmacy, veterinary medicine). These codes are created when a student wants to complete it; not at the time the graduate/professional certificate is created. When a certificate program identifies a student from a professional program that wishes to declare the certificate they must submit a Lumen Structures program requesting the creation of the appropriate plan code.

Academic planning help

The code will be added in SIS for the next available term i.e. if submitted in March, will be effective summer.

Form instructions

Instructions for how to fill out the Lumen Structures form.
Field in the form Action
Request type Select "Add professional school code to a grad certificate"
Home department Select the home department of the graduate certificate.
School/College This defaults to the School/College the department is housed in. This is not editable.
Title Enter the SIS description of the graduate certificate
Request details Include the number of students interested in pursuing the certificate in that career. Include any supporting information from outside units.
Upload form Upload the form.
Supporting documents n/a

Workflow steps

  1. Department listed in the proposal (default)
  2. School/College (default)
  3. APIR Admin (default)
  4. Registrar

graduate/professional certificate, graduate certificate, professional certificate, lcrt, vcrt, pcrt, mcrt 
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Melissa S. in Lumen and Guide
Lumen and Guide