StratComm Self-Service: Photography Resources

From the UW Photo Library to the UW Archives, here are the campus photo collections available to all faculty, staff, and students.

Nelson Institute Photo Library

The stratcomm team maintains a photo library of Nelson's signature events. See the usage requirements and access the library: StratComm Self-Service: Nelson Photo Library.

Campus Photo Libraries

Campus Photo Library 

CALS Flickr 

L&S Flickr 

UW Digital Collections (Archives) 

Before Use:

Please review and adhere to the university's photo use policy. Here are a few key items of note:

  • Photos should not be used out of context. For example:
    • Do not use a photo of a CALS event to promote a Nelson event
    • Do not use photos of L&S research in a story about a Nelson research
  • Photos may never be manipulated in a way that alters its intent or meaning. This includes removing things, flipping orientation, cropping to exclude, etc.

Full Policy 

photography, event, communications, resources, marketing 
Doc ID:
Owned by:
Chelsea R. in Nelson Administrative Hub
Nelson Administrative Hub