CHM Undergrads - How will I be graded?

Detailed explanation of how research credit students are graded.


Final Grade

At the end of each semester, Research Credit students at the Center for Healthy Minds receive a final grade. This final grade is made up of two parts: 80% lab work and 20% semester project.

Lab Work (80%)

Your supervisor evaluates your lab performance in the following areas: 

Semester Project (20%)

Your supervisor will evaluate your semester research project based on your performance on the following assignments:

  • Plagiarism required reading*
  • Generative AI guidelines required reading*
  • Project topic and type submission*
  • Project outline submission*
  • Peer review of project outlines*
  • Project draft submission*
  • Peer review of project drafts*
  • Semester project: final submission

*These assignments are graded as pass/fail (complete/incomplete). 

While the semester project is only 20% of the final grade, failure to complete any component of the Semester Project will significantly impact your final grade.

Communication about Your Grade

If you have questions about your grade at any point in the semester, please communicate your concerns to your supervisor and/or discuss any challenges that you’re encountering.

Communication to Request Accommodations

Please talk with your supervisor as soon as possible if you are in need of accommodations for personal matters that affect your ability to meet CHM course deadlines. Jane Lambert and Lisa Wesley are also available to provide support. If you are unable to meet CHM course deadlines, you and your supervisor will need to contact Jane Lambert.

CHM Grading Scale

Numerical Grade Letter Grade
93-100 A
88-92 AB
83-87 B
78-82 BC
70-77 C
62-69 D
61 & below F

UG undergraduate grading grade score final scale letter numerical number 
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Jane L. in Center for Healthy Minds
Center for Healthy Minds