Welcoming and Inclusive Nelson (WIN) Committee
Robert Beattie (academic staff)
Kevin Berger (academic staff)
Asligul Gocmen* (faculty)
Grace Gooley (student)
Liz Hennessy* (faculty)
Meghan Kautzer (academic staff)
Christopher Kilgour (academic staff)
Tim Portlock (faculty), co-chair
Emily Reynolds (academic staff)
Steph Tai (associate dean)
Jenna Weidner (associate dean)
Cait Williamson (board of visitors)
Kate Wodyn (university staff), co-chair
Karlye Wolff-DeZell (academic staff)
*on sabbatical for 2024-25 academic year
2024-25 meeting schedule: 4-5pm via Zoom on Sep 16, Oct 7, Nov 11, Dec 9, Feb10, Mar 10, Apr 7, and May 5.
Snack and Chat
The Welcoming and Inclusive Nelson Cultural Sub-Committee is hosting Snack and Chat events for the fall semester! These are causal get-togethers to encourage connection and conversations.
Connect over coffee and snacks. No agenda - just conversations! Everyone is welcomed and encouraged to attend. Come and go as your schedule allows.
Wednesday, October 2; 9-10:30am
Thursday, November 7; 2:30-4pm
Science Hall Student Lounge (Room 15)
****Help us reduce food waste: RSVP
Save the Dates for Spring 2025 Snack and Chats:
Tuesday, January 28; 9-10:30am
Wednesday, February 26; 2:30-4pm
Thursday, April 3; 9-10:30am
Contact: wincommittee@nelson.wisc.edu