Welcoming and Inclusive Nelson (WIN) Committee

The Welcoming and Inclusive Nelson (WIN) committee is a divisional committee that supports the Nelson Institute's goals to diversify our faculty, staff, and student body; to maintain equity in access to education, resources, opportunities, compensation, and respectful treatment; and to create a climate where all people feel a sense of belonging and community. The committee is staffed by Nelson Institute faculty, academic staff and university staff members, and students. The committee meets monthly during the academic year, provides regular updates to the Nelson Institute Governance Committee, and advises the Dean on matters related to diversity, equity, and inclusion.


Robert Beattie (academic staff)
Kevin Berger (academic staff)
Asligul Gocmen* (faculty)
Grace Gooley (student)
Liz Hennessy* (faculty)
Meghan Kautzer (academic staff)
Christopher Kilgour (academic staff)
Tim Portlock (faculty), co-chair
Emily Reynolds (academic staff)
Steph Tai (associate dean)
Jenna Weidner (associate dean)
Cait Williamson (board of visitors)
Kate Wodyn (university staff), co-chair
Karlye Wolff-DeZell (academic staff)

*on sabbatical for 2024-25 academic year


2024-25 meeting schedule: 4-5pm via Zoom on Sep 16, Oct 7, Nov 11, Dec 9, Feb10, Mar 10, Apr 7, and May 5.


Snack and Chat

The Welcoming and Inclusive Nelson Cultural Sub-Committee is hosting Snack and Chat events for the fall semester!  These are causal get-togethers to encourage connection and conversations. 

Connect over coffee and snacks.  No agenda - just conversations!  Everyone is welcomed and encouraged to attend.  Come and go as your schedule allows.


Wednesday, October 2; 9-10:30am

Thursday, November 7; 2:30-4pm


Science Hall Student Lounge (Room 15)

 ****Help us reduce food waste: RSVP 

Save the Dates for Spring 2025 Snack and Chats:

Tuesday, January 28; 9-10:30am

Wednesday, February 26; 2:30-4pm

Thursday, April 3; 9-10:30am


Contact: wincommittee@nelson.wisc.edu

See also:

NIPP chapter 5 - Committees

WIN, DEI, diversity, inclusion, belonging, welcoming, inclusivity, snack and chat, community, equity, respect 
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Owned by:
Kate W. in Nelson Administrative Hub
Nelson Administrative Hub