AANTS - Editing the AANTS.pm, EdgeConf.pm, and IfTags.pm Perl Modules

This document gives some information on editing the AANTS perl modules that live on Peleus.
The AANTS, EdgeConf, and IfTags.pm perl modules are compiled from the following files on Peleus:


Check out one of these files, edit it, then check the new version in. The Makefile in /home/net/perl will copy the checked-in versions of AANTS.pm, Apache.pm, EdgeConf.pm, IfTags.pm and Config.pm into the directory /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/AANTS. To use just run:

sudo make
from the /home/net/perl directory.

KeywordsAANTS, edgeconf, perl module, perl, interface tags   Doc ID14108
OwnerMark T.GroupNetwork Services
Created2010-06-01 19:00:00Updated2018-03-01 15:16:27
SitesNetwork Services
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