Undergraduate Committee

The Undergraduate Committee administers the undergraduate program, including all undergraduate certificates.


The Undergraduate Committee includes six or more members, a majority of whom are Nelson Institute faculty or affiliate faculty members. The Nelson Institute Undergraduate Certificate Program Chairs are automatic members.

It is the goal of the Nelson Institute that each of the four major divisions (Arts and Humanities, Biological Sciences, Physical Sciences, Social Sciences) be represented among the members of the Undergraduate Committee.

The committee chair is elected annually in spring by a simple majority vote of committee members and serves subject to approval by the Dean. Although elected annually, it is expected that an individual will serve in this capacity for three consecutive years. The chair may be compensated for this service.

By 15 September the chair will recommend to the Dean the committee membership for the academic year.

Committee Members

Anna Gade, chair
Nick Balster
Rob Beattie
Marty Kanarek
Rebecca Larson
Becky Ryan
Annemarie Schneider
Heather Swan
Adrian Treves
Kim Wahl


As an administrative committee, the Undergraduate Committee is not subject to the state’s Open Meetings Law. Individuals may contact the chair for information about upcoming meetings.

The committee meets at least once each semester. 

undergraduate committee committees undergrad 
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