Hosting Events with Alcohol

Student organizations should be familiar with policies related to alcohol use at UW-Madison. Here are some resources and considerations student leaders should review:
  • The UW Alcohol Information on Campus web page has general information and resources for all Badgers. 
  • Policy UW-2003 Registered Student Organization Alcohol Policy (SOAP) explains your responsibility when hosting a student organization event with alcohol. 
    • Policy UW-2002 UW-Madison Registered Student Organization Code of Conduct defines an Event as "Any activity (including meetings, internal or other), regardless of the location (on or off University property), coordinated by a Registered Student Organization or its representatives to bring people together." Please note that this includes student organizations hosting Bar Review. 
  • The Responsible RSO Sober Monitor/CSA Training must be completed by members of your organization prior to any event you are hosting with alcohol. This training must be completed once per calendar year in order to be up to date. 
    • Each sponsoring organization must provide a minimum of two sober monitors for up to fifty (50) total attendees, and one (1) additional sober monitor for each sponsoring organization must be provided for every additional twenty-five (25) attendees. 
    • It is always better to overestimate the number of attendees and provide a greater number of sober monitors. 
  • It is important for your organization to actually provide trained sober monitors at the event, including Bar Review. Simply having members complete the training without providing any sober monitors, or providing sober monitors who have not completed the training in the last calendar year does not protect the well being of your organization, and does not satisfy the requirements of Policies UW-2002 and UW-2003
  • A key piece of UW-2003 SOAP is that non-alcoholic beverages and food must be available at the event. If you are hosting an event at an off-campus business, such as a bar, it is recommended that you contact the business to inquire about the availability of food. It is recommended that you only host events at businesses that have an on-site kitchen that is open during your event. 
  • For additional tips on risk-management and safety at events with alcohol, please be sure to complete the Responsible RSO Sober Monitor/CSA Training. 

For questions about the information above, or if you have questions after completing the Sober Monitor training, please contact Student Life & Engagement Manager, Carlie Wiseley ( 

If your organization is interested in hosting more events without alcohol and you would like help planning, please contact the SBA or Carlie Wiseley. 

There are specific resources on campus to assist students who are interested in reducing or quitting using alcohol and other substances: 

  • Badger Recovery - A robust peer support community on campus which hosts and facilitates one-on-one, family, and group meetings. 
  • Mental Health Services at UHS - Hosts a suite of supportive programming, including counseling, self-help, and workshops. 
  • UW Law Wellness in Action - Our web page which provides information about counseling services within the Law School, as well as links to additional resources on campus and in the community. 

alcohol student organization alcohol policy sober monitor 
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Owned by:
Carlie W. in Law School Student Affairs Office
Law School Student Affairs Office