CHM IT - Common problems with Network Drives

Common and known issues with network drives

Here are some common and known issues working with network drives:

Remote Host Identification Has Changed

If you see the error "WARNING: REMOTE HOST IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED!" when logging on to the BI servers (, you'll need to edit your remote hosts SSH file in your linux profile.

Open the file /Users/[your BI username]/.ssh/known_hosts with a text editor of your choice.

The error message will tell you what line to remove. (Example: "Offending ECDSA key in /Users/tchristian/.ssh/known_hosts: 3" - this means that line 3 of the file is the problem.) Remove it, save the file, and try again.

Network Drives Disconnecting/Hanging

This could happen for a few reasons.

  • The UW/BI VPN connection has a timeout (typically after ~24 hours of constant connection). This timeout can kill your network drive connection.
  • If your network connection drops or changes (i.e. you were plugged into a network cable, and move to wireless), this can affect your network drive connection.
  • Occassionally, we've seen network drives drop due to a computer being put into sleep.

Suggested fix for this is to disconnect and reconnect the drive(s).

X11 Errors when opening FSLEyes

Recent changes in the Apple operating system have made using certain programs over X11 impossible (namely, FSLEyes).

Two workarounds are available:

  • Install a local copy of FSLEyes on your mac, and open files over a mounted network drive
  • Use microsoft remote desktop to connect to You'll connect to a linux desktop, and from there you should be able to open FSLEyes as normal

There are pluses and minuses to both options. (Local fsleyes is very low-latency once you've loaded an image; remote desktop means you're in the BI environment and can make changes and see them with less chance of weird caching getting in the way; remote desktop also means you can leave your session in place while your laptop sleeps)

network drives connection vpn disconnect hang bi servers FSLeyes FSL X11 terminal remote desktop 
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Ty C. in Center for Healthy Minds
Center for Healthy Minds