DARS/Faculty&Staff - A New DARS Request App - Request A DARS Audit

Steps faculty/staff take to request a DARS audit in order to view an audit of a student's declared program or a "What-If" scenario.


Below are the steps for requesting a DARS audit for a student.

Table of Contents

Log into the DARS Request App

Step 1

Go to https://dars.wisc.edu.

Step 2

Login with your NetID. 

NetID Login

Request a DARS audit for a student (declared programs)

For staff (faculty, advisors, student workers), you may request a DARS audit for a student by following these steps:

Step 1

Enter a student's Campus ID or EMPLID in the dialog box (circled in red below) and click "Search".

Campus ID or EMPLID Dialogue Box

Step 2

Option 1: Click on the "Run degree audit" link next to the Major/Degree Plan for which you want to generate a degree audit.

Run degree audit link

Option 2: Click on the "Run all degree audits" link to automatically generate an audit for every "darsable" Major/Degree Plan the student is declared in.

Run all degree audits link

Option 3: Click on the "Get student-run audits" to view degree audits generated by the student in the Course Search & Enroll App.

Get student-run audits link

Step 3

After clicking on an option for running an audit, you will be redirected to the "View Requested Reports" page. Once your audit request(s) finish processing, click "View" for the interactive audit report.

View interactive report link

Step 4 (Optional)

If you wish to generate a PDF of an audit, select the checkbox next to the intended student's name and click "Download" or "Email" at the top of the request table. You can select as many audits as desired. 

Download or email a PDF of an audit

Step 5 (Optional)

If you wish, you can filter and/or sort audit results based parameters on each column in the table. Example: 

Filter and/or sort audit results

Visit the [KB] for an advanced "How-to" on maximizing the filter/sorting capabilities of the DARS Request App.

Request a DARS audit for a student ("What-ifs")

For staff (faculty, advisors, student workers), you may request a DARS audit for a student by following these steps:

Step 1

Enter a student's Campus ID or EMPLID in the dialog box (circled in red below) and click "Search".

Campus ID or EMPLID dialogue box

Step 2

Scroll down to the "Advance settings for a "What-If" audit" and make a plan selection.

Select a plan for a what-if audit

Step 3

Modify selection fields to reflect what degree plan attributes you wish to run.
If you change a value in the "School, College, Division" drop-down menu, the fields for "Catalog Year and Term" and "Alternate Catalog Year and Term" will auto-populate with the default years based on the rules for that School/College. If you want to run a "What-if" audit based on different Catalog/Alt Catalog years, you can change them by type over the default values.
What-if audit parameters

Step 4

Click the "Run audit" button to generate the "What-if" audit.

Run audit button

Step 5

After clicking on an option for running an audit, you will be redirected to the "View Requested Reports" page. Once your audit request(s) finish processing, click "View" for the interactive audit report.

View interactive report link

Step 6 (Optional)

If you wish to generate a PDF of an audit, select the checkbox next to the intended student's name and click "Download" or "Email" at the top of the request table. You can select as many audits as desired. 

Download or email a PDF of an audit

Step 7 (Optional)

If you wish, you can filter and/or sort audit results based parameters on each column in the table. Example: 

Filter and/or sort audit results

If you have questions regarding audit features or authorizations, please contact dars@em.wisc.edu.


dars (DARS), degree (degrees, degree planner) 
Doc ID:
Owned by:
Sara A. in Office of the Registrar
Office of the Registrar