Applying to Multiple Programs

This document provides information about applying to multiple Graduate School programs within the Slate-hosted application.

Summary of the 3-for-1 fee structure

  • Applicants can apply for up to 3 programs within the same entry term (spring term, summer term, or fall term) for one application fee.

  • The first application will require the applicant to pay the application fee, and the fee will be waived for the next two applications submitted for that same entry term.

  • An applicant's recommenders will have to submit a separate recommendation for each application submitted, so if the applicant wants to apply to multiple programs, the applicant should inform their recommenders that they will need to submit the recommendation multiple times.

  • This 3-for-1 offer does not apply to programs across terms.

    • Example: if an applicant wants to apply for one program in Spring 2025 and later wants to apply for a different program in Fall 2025, the applicant will have to pay two separate application fees.

How do applicants open another application?

  1. Applicant logs into their Graduate School application portal at
  2. Applicant selects the Start New Application link, located at the bottom of the Application Management page (see the screenshot below)
    Screenshot of the Applicant Management page, highlighting the Start New Application link

How do Fee Grants affect this 3-for-1 fee structure?

  • If the applicant uses a fee grant for one application, the application fee for next two applications within that same term will be waived
  • Fee grants must be applied before the student submits and pays for the application. Fee grants do not work retroactively and there will be no refunds.
  • For more information about fee grants, see Fee Grant Application Overview with Screenshots (and how applicants use them)

Example of applying to multiple programs:

  1. Bucky is interested in applying for the Economics PHD program, which has a deadline of December 5, 2024 for Fall 2025 entry term.
  2. Bucky asks his references to provide letters of recommendation and later submits the application for the Economics PHD application ($75) on October 4.
  3. Bucky finds out he does not get into the Economics PHD program in March of 2024.
  4. But that’s okay! Bucky had a change of heart and instead wishes to pursue the Sports Leadership MS, which has a deadline of July 1, 2025 for Fall 2025.
  5. Bucky starts the application and asks his references to provide letters of recommendation for this new program. Bucky submits the application on April 30. The $75 application is waived, as it’s the second app for the same entry term.
  6. Bucky gets admitted to the Sports Leadership MS program! He successfully applied to two different programs for one fee and was admitted to the Graduate School!

KeywordsThree applications slate term fee choose programs   Doc ID142995
OwnerEric L.GroupGraduate School
Created2024-10-11 15:57:58Updated2024-10-11 16:24:10
SitesGraduate School
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