Faculty Senate Agendas and Minutes for Academic Year 2022-2023

2022-2023 academic year, July 2022-June 2023, is shown. Meetings minutes are linked from each agenda.

May 1, 2023

May 1, 2023, 3:30 pm

1. Memorial Resolutions for:
Professor Emeritus John Elton Ross (Fac doc 3090)
Professor Emeritus Franklin Wilson (Fac doc 3091)

2. Announcements/Information Items

3. State of Diversity

4. Question Period

Consent Agenda

5. Minutes of April 3, 2023, meeting (consent)

6. Proposal to Standardize Membership Information in Faculty Policies and Procedures Chapter 6 Committees: FPP 6.36 Faculty Consultative Committee on Financial Emergency (Fac doc 3092) (consent)


7. Recreation and Wellbeing Advisory Board Annual Report for 2021-2022 (Fac doc 3093)

8. Teaching Academy Report for Spring 2023 (Fac doc 3094)

9. Faculty Committees General Election Spring 2023 Results (Fac doc 3095)

10. Establish the Department of Plant and Agroecosystem Sciences and Discontinue the Department of Agronomy and the Department of Horticulture (Fac doc 3096)

11. Rename the Department of Engineering Physics to the Department of Nuclear Engineering and Engineering Physics (Fac doc 3097)

Old Business

12. Proposal to Amend Faculty Policies and Procedures 6.26 Athletic Board to Allow Faculty Athletic Representatives to Continue Past Their Board Term (Fac doc 3088) (vote)

13. Proposal to Amend Faculty Policies and Procedures 7.15, the Granting of Tenure, to Clarify and Rearrange Language Regarding the Dean’s Action (Fac doc 3089 rev) (vote)

New Business

14. Proposal to Amend Faculty Policies & Procedures 6.40 LGBTQ Committee to Add an Ex Officio Seat (Fac doc 3098) (vote)

Faculty Senate Minutes 2023-05-01

April 3, 2023

April 3, 2023, 3:30 pm

1. Memorial Resolutions for:
Professor Emeritus Donald W. Crawford (Fac doc 3081)
Professor Emeritus Eldon H. Newcomb (Fac doc 3082)
Professor Emeritus Michael N. Gould (Fac doc 3083)
Professor Emeritus Henry C. Pitot III (Fac doc 3084)
Professor Emeritus Waclaw Tadeusz Szybalski (Fac doc 3085)

2. Presentation of the 2023 Hilldale Awards
Physical Sciences Division: Professor John Perepezko, Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Social Sciences Division: Professor Sissel Schroeder, Department of Anthropology
Biological Sciences Division: Professor Paul Lambert, Department of Oncology
Arts and Humanities Division: Professor Susan Cook, Mead Witter School of Music

3. Announcements/Information Items

4. State of the Research Enterprise

5. Question Period

Consent Agenda

6. Minutes of March 6, 2023 Meeting (consent)


7. Retirement Issues Committee Annual Report for 2021-2022 (Fac doc 3086)

Old Business

8. Proposal to Amend Faculty Policies and Procedures 6.36 Faculty Consultative Committee on Financial Emergency to Replace the Member from the Commission on Faculty Compensation and Economic Benefits (Fac doc 3079) (vote)

New Business

9. Proposal to Amend Faculty Policies & Procedures 6.25 Budget Committee to Indicate the Faculty Chair Membership on the Faculty Consultative Committee on Financial Emergency (Fac doc 3087) (vote)

10. Proposal to Amend Faculty Policies and Procedures 6.26 Athletic Board to Allow Faculty Athletic Representatives to Continue Past Their Board Term (Fac doc 3088) (first reading)

11. Proposal to Amend Faculty Policies and Procedures 7.15 the Granting of Tenure to Clarify and Rearrange Language Regarding the Dean’s Action (Fac doc 3089) (first reading)

Faculty Senate Minutes 2023-04-03

March 6, 2023

March 6, 2023, 3:30 pm

1. Memorial Resolutions for:
Professor Emeritus Gerald Edwin (Jerry) Bisgard (Fac doc 3071)
Professor Emeritus Kelly H. Clifton (Fac doc 3072)
Professor Emeritus Marshall F. Finner (Fac doc 3073)
Professor Emeritus David A. Wieckert (Fac doc 3074)

2. Announcements/Information Items

3. Update on Graduate Education

4. Question Period

Consent Agenda

5. Minutes of February 6, 2023 Meeting (consent)

6. Proposal to Standardize Membership Information in Faculty Policies and Procedures Chapter 6 Committees: FPP 6.40 LGBTQ Committee (Fac doc 3075) (consent)

7. LGBTQ Committee Annual Report for 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 (Fac doc 3076)

8. PROFS Annual Report for 2021-2022 (Fac doc 3077)

Old Business

9. Academic Calendar for 2027-2028 (Fac doc 3070 rev) (vote)

New Business

10. Resolution Urging Implementation of Paid Family Leave Benefits for UW-Madison employees (Fac doc 3078) (Family Leave Report and Recommendations) (vote)

11. Proposal to Amend Faculty Policies and Procedures 6.36 Faculty Consultative Committee on Financial Emergency to Replace the Member from the Commission on Faculty Compensation and Economic Benefits (Fac doc 3079) (first reading)

12. Proposal to Amend Faculty Policies and Procedures 5.10 and 5.20 Department Faculties: Membership and Delegation Authority of the Executive Committee to Allow the Possibility of University Staff to Vote and Participate in Departmental Meetings (Fac doc 3080) (first reading)

Faculty Senate Minutes 2023-03-06

February 6, 2023

February 6, 2023, 3:30 pm

1. Memorial Resolution for Professor Emeritus Gerald A. Duchon (Fac doc 3062)

2. Announcements/Information Items

3. Update on Student Affairs

4. Question Period

Consent Agenda

5. Minutes of December 5, 2022 Meeting (consent)

6. Changes to Standardize Membership Information in Faculty Policies and Procedures Chapter 6 Committees: FPP 6.31 Committee on Disability Access and Inclusion (Fac doc 3063) (consent)


7. Committee for Women in the University Annual Report for 2021-2022 (Fac doc 3064)

8. Kemper K. Knapp Bequest Committee Annual Report for 2022-2023 (Fac doc 3065)

9. Candidates for the Faculty-Elected Committees, Spring 2023 (Fac doc 3066)

10. Committee on Disability Access and Inclusion Annual Report for 2021-2022 (Fac doc 3067)

New Business

11. Proposal to Amend Faculty Policies and Procedures 6.31 Committee on Disability Access and Inclusion by Adding a Seat for a Postdoctoral Scholar (Fac doc 3068) (vote)

12. Proposal to Amend Faculty Policies and Procedures 1.02 University Faculty by Removing Reference to UW-Extension (Fac doc 3069) (vote)

13. Academic Calendar for 2027-2028 (Fac doc 3070) (first reading)

Faculty Senate Minutes 2023-02-06

December 5, 2022

December 5, 2022, 3:30 pm

1. Memorial Resolution for:
Professor Emeritus Kang Chao (Fac doc 3053)
Professor Emeritus Edward Henry Vidruk (Fac doc 3054) 

2. Announcements/Information Items

3. Question Period

Consent Agenda

4. Minutes of November 7, 2022 Meeting (consent)

6. Changes to Standardize Membership Information in Faculty Policies and Procedures Chapter 6 Committees: FPP 6.26 (Athletic Board) (Fac doc 3055) (consent)


6. University Curriculum Committee Annual Report for 2021-2022 (Fac doc 3056) 

7. Athletic Board Annual Report for 2021-2022 (Fac doc 3057) 

8. Budget Committee Annual Report for 2021-2022 (Fac doc 3058) 

Old Business

9. Proposal to Amend Faculty Policies and Procedures 6.31 Committee on Disability Access and Inclusion by Adding a Seat for a Postdoctoral Scholar (Fac doc 3068) (vote)

10. Proposal to Amend Faculty Policies and Procedures 1.02 University Faculty by Removing Reference to UW-Extension (Fac doc 3069) (vote)

New Business

11. Proposal to Amend Faculty Policies and Procedures 6.46 University Libraries Committee to Add a Nonvoting Member and Standardize Membership Information (Fac doc 3060) (vote

12. Resolution Commending and Calling for the Continuation of the Public History Project (Fac doc 3061) (vote


13. Executive Session of the Faculty Senate to Receive the Confidential Report of the Committee on Honorary Degrees* (vote

*Closed session pursuant to Wisconsin State Statutes 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel action.

Faculty Senate Minutes 2022-12-05

November 7, 2022

November 7, 2022, 3:30 pm

1. Memorial Resolution for Professor Emeritus Maurice Barnett (Barney) Webb (Fac doc 3046)

2. Announcements/Information Items

3. State of Diversity

4. Question Period

Consent Agenda

5. Minutes of October 3, 2022 meeting (consent)


6. University Libraries Committee Annual Report for 2021-2022 (Fac doc 3047)

7. University Academic Planning Council Annual Report for 2021-2022 (Fac doc 3048)

8. Lectures Committee Annual Report for 2021-2022 (Fac doc 3049)

9. Campus Diversity and Climate Committee Annual Report for 2021-2022 (Fac doc 3050)

Old Business

10. Proposal to Amend Faculty Policies and Procedures 5.10 and 5.22 Allowing the Possibility of University Staff to Participate in the Annual Preference Balloting for Department Chair (Fac doc 3044 rev) (vote)

11. Proposal to Amend Faculty Policies and Procedures 7.31 Regarding the Granting of Emerit Titles (Fac doc 3045 rev) (vote)

New Business

12. Motion to Correct Reference in Faculty Policies and Procedures 2.02 Senate Membership (Fac doc 3051) (vote)

13. Proposal to amend Faculty Policies and Procedures 6.46 to Codify the Library Resources Committee for the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (replacing the Memorial Library Committee) (Fac doc 3052) (first reading)

Faculty Senate Minutes 2022-11-07

October 3, 2022

October 3, 2022, 3:30 pm

1. Memorial Resolutions for:
Professor Emeritus Thomas Dale Brock (Fac doc 3034)
Professor Emeritus Warren H. Gabelman (Fac doc 3035)
Professor Emeritus David Spooner (Fac doc 3036)
Professor Emeritus Neal A. Jorgensen (Fac doc 3037)
Professor Emeritus Howard James Larsen (Fac doc 3038)

2. Announcements/Information Items.

3. State of the University

4. Question Period

Consent Agenda

5. Minutes of May 2, 2022 Meeting (consent).

6. Changes to Standardize Membership Information in Faculty Policies and Procedures Chapter 6 Committees: FPP 6.30 (Campus Transportation Committee) (Fac doc 3039) (consent)


7. University Committee Annual Report for 2021-2022 (Fac doc 3040)

8. Campus Transportation Committee Annual Report for 2020-2021 (Fac doc 3041)

9. Information Technology Committee Annual Report for 2021-2022 (Fac doc 3042)

New Business

10. Proposal to amend Faculty Policies and Procedures 7.25 “Leave of Absence for Governmental Service” Regarding Board of Regents Approval (Fac doc 3043) (vote)

11. Proposal to amend Faculty Policies and Procedures 5.10 and 5.22 Allowing the Possibility of University Staff to Participate in the Annual Preference Balloting for Department Chair (Fac doc 3044) (first reading)

12. Proposal to amend Faculty Policies and Procedures 7.13 Regarding the Granting of Emerit Titles (Fac doc 3045) (first reading)

Faculty Senate Minutes 2022-10-03


Faculty Senate, Senate, Minutes, Agenda, 2022, 2023 
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Owned by:
Jenny S. in UW Secretary of the Faculty
UW Secretary of the Faculty