Faculty Senate Agendas and Minutes for Academic Year 2021-2022

2021-2022 academic year, July 2021-June 2022, is shown. Meetings minutes are linked from each agenda.

May 2, 2022

Monday, May 2, 2022, 3:30 pm

1. Memorial Resolutions for:
Professor Emeritus Glen Cain (Fac doc 3018)
Professor Emerita Sharon Dunwoody (Fac doc 3019)
Professor Jennifer Reed (Fac doc 3020) 
Professor Emerita Karen Steudel-Numbers (Fac doc 3021) 
Professor Emeritus Steve Kornguth (Fac doc 3022) 
Professor Emeritus Henry Schutta (Fac doc 3023)

2. Announcements/Information Items

3. Question Period

Consent agenda

4. Minutes of April 4, 2022 meeting (consent)

5. Confirmation of committee re-appointment: Professor Kurt Paulsen (Planning and Landscape Architecture) to serve on the Campus Planning Committee for a 4-year term to represent environmental concerns (consent)

6. Changes to Standardize Membership Information in Faculty Policies and Procedures Chapter 6 Committees: FPP 6.47 (Officer Education Committee), 6.51 (Committee on Undergraduate Recruitment, Admissions and Financial Aid (Fac doc 3024) (consent)


7. Officer Education Committee Annual Report for 2018-2021 (Fac doc 3025)

8. Immigration and International Issues Committee Annual Report for 2020-2021 (Fac doc 3026)

9. Committee on Undergraduate Recruitment, Admissions, and Financial Aid Committee (CURAFA) Annual Report for 2020-2022 (Fac doc 3027)

10. Name change of Department of Afro-American Studies to Department of African American Studies (Fac doc 3028)

11. Faculty Committees General Election Spring 2022 Results (Fac doc 3029)

Old Business

12. Proposal to Change Emeritus/Emerita in Faculty Policies and Procedures to Emerit, and to Encourage the Use of Emerit in Campus Policies, Systems and Communications (Fac doc 3017) (vote)

New Business

13. Proposal to amend Faculty Policies and Procedures 6.61 Immigration and International Issues Committee by adding a postdoctoral scholar seat (Fac doc 3030) (vote)

14. Motion to Include University Staff in Relevant Sections of Faculty Policies and Procedures (Fac doc 3031) (vote)

15. Motion to Clarify the Faculty Senate Meeting Dates in Faculty Policies and Procedures 2.06 (Fac doc 3032) (vote)

17. Proposal to amend Faculty Policies and Procedures 6.41 regarding different beginning date of term for members of the Honorary Degree Committee (Fac doc 3033) (vote)

Faculty Senate Minutes 2022-05-02

April 4, 2022

Monday, April 4, 2022, 3:30 pm

1. Memorial Resolutions for:
Professor Emeritus William Boyle (Fac doc 3009) 
Professor Emeritus Robert Ammerman (Fac doc 3010)
Professor Emeritus Andrew Levine (Fac doc 3011)
Professor Emeritus Keith Yandell (Fac doc 3012)

2. Presentation of the 2022 Hilldale Awards:
Arts and Humanities Division: Professor Michael Bernard-Donals, Department of English
Biological Sciences Division: Professor Anna Huttenlocher, Department of Pediatrics
Physical Sciences Division: Professor Stephen Wright, Department of Computer Sciences
Social Sciences Division: Professor Timothy Smeeding, La Follette School of Public AffairsFaculty Senate Minutes 2022-04-04

3. Announcements/Information Items

4. State of the Research Enterprise

5. Question Period

Consent Agenda

6. Minutes of March 7, 2022 meeting (consent)

7. Changes to Standardize Membership Information in Faculty Policies and Procedures Chapter 6 Committee: FPP 6.57 (Advisory Committee to the Dean of Students Office) (Fac doc 3013) (consent)


8. Advisory Committee to the Dean of Students Annual Report for 2020-2021 (Fac doc 3014)

9. PROFS Annual Report for 2020-2021 (Fac doc 3015)

New Busines 

10. Proposal to edit Faculty Policies and Procedures 7.20 Leave of Absence Regarding UW System Approval (Fac doc 3016) (vote)

11. Proposal to Change Emeritus/Emerita in Faculty Policies and Procedures to Emerit, and to Encourage the Use of Emerit in Campus Policies, Systems and Communications (Fac doc 3017) (first reading)

Faculty Senate Minutes 2022-04-04

March 7, 2022

Monday, March 7, 2022, 3:30 pm

1. Memorial Resolutions for:
Professor Emeritus Norman H. Beachley (Fac doc 3001) 
Professor Emeritus Jost Hermand (Fac doc 3002) 
Professor Emeritus Olvi Mangasarian (Fac doc 3003) 
Professor Emeritus David Slautterback (Fac doc 3004)

2. Announcements/Information Items

3. Update on Sustainability

4. Question Period

Consent Agenda

5. Minutes of February 7, 2022 meeting (consent)

6. Changes to Standardize Membership Information in Faculty Policies and Procedures Chapter 6 Committees: FPP 6.60 (Health Care Advisory Committee) and FPP 6.50 (Retirement Issues Committee) (Fac doc 3005) (consent)


7. Health Care Advisory Committee Annual Report for 2020-2021 (Fac doc 3006)

8. Retirement Issues Committee Annual Report for 2018-2021 (Fac doc 3007) 

Old Business

9. Academic Calendar for 2026-2027 and Proposal to Maintain a 5-Year Rolling Calendar (Fac doc 2997) (vote)

10. Resolution on Accessible and Inclusive Campus (Fac doc 2998) (vote)

11. Motion to Support the Academic Staff Resolution on the State Pay Plan Distribution (Fac doc 2999) (vote)

12. Proposal to Clarify Timeline to Faculty Policies and Procedures 7.16.D.4. Due Process Reconsiderations and Appeals (Fac doc 3000) (vote)

New Business

13. Proposal to Remove Faculty Legislation II-600, Institutional Advisory Committee on Outside Activities (Fac doc 3008) (vote)

Faculty Senate Minutes 2022-03-07

February 7, 2022

Monday, February 7, 2022, 3:30 pm

1. Memorial Resolution for: Professor Emeritus Max Carbon (Fac doc 2992)

2. Announcements/Information Items

3. Update on Student Affairs

4. Question period

Consent Agenda

5. Minutes of December 6, 2021 meeting (consent)

6. Changes to Standardize Membership Information in Faculty Policies and Procedures Chapter 6 Committees: FPP 6.14 (Committee on Honorary Degrees), FPP 6.43 (Kemper K. Knapp Bequest Committee), and FPP 6.32 (Committee on Committees) (Fac doc 2993) (consent)


7. Kemper K. Knapp Bequest Committee Annual Report for 2021-2022 (Fac doc 2994)

New Business

8. Candidates for the Faculty-Elected Committees, Spring 2022 (Fac doc 2995)

9. Proposal to Remove Faculty Legislation II-900, Policies on Use of University Facilities (Fac doc 2996) (vote)

10. Academic Calendar for 2026-2027 and Proposal to Maintain a 5-Year Rolling Calendar (Fac doc 2997) (first reading)

11. Resolution on Accessible and Inclusive Campus (Fac doc 2998) (first reading)

12. Motion to Support the Academic Staff Resolution on the State Pay Plan Distribution (Fac doc 2999) (first reading)

13. Proposal to Clarify Timeline to Faculty Policies and Procedures 7.16.D.4. Due Process Reconsiderations and Appeals (Fac doc 3000) (first reading)

Faculty Senate Minutes 2022-02-07

December 6, 2021

Monday, December 6, 2021, 3:30 pm

1. Memorial Resolutions for:
Professor Emeritus Frances Patton Bretherton (Fac doc 2982)  
Professor Emeritus Phillip Harth (Fac doc 2983)
Professor Emeritus Standish Henning (Fac doc 2984) 
Professor Emeritus Noah Hershkowitz (Fac doc 2985) 
Professor Emeritus James Pawley (Fac doc 2986) 

2. Announcements/Information Items

3. Question Period

Consent Agenda

4. Minutes of November 1 meeting (consent)

5. Changes to Standardize Membership Information in Faculty Policies and Procedures Chapter 6 Committees: FPP 6.27 (Campus Diversity and Climate Committee), FPP 6.44 (Lectures Committee), and FPP 6.56 (Committee for Women in the University) (Fac doc 2987) (consent)


6. Ombuds Annual Report for 2020-2021 (Fac doc 2988)

7. Committee for Women in the University Annual Report for 2020-2021 (Fac doc 2989)

8. Campus Diversity and Climate Committee Annual Report for 2020-2021 (Fac doc 2990)

9. Lectures Committee Annual Report for 2020-2021 (Fac doc 2991)

Old Business

10. Amendments to Policy UW-879, Evening Midterm Exam Policy (vote) (Fac doc 1585 Rev)

11.  Proposal to Remove Program for Honorific Research Professor titles (vote) (Fac doc 1489i)


12. Executive Session of the Faculty Senate to Receive the Confidential Report of the Committee on Honorary Degrees. (vote)

Faculty Senate Minutes 2021-12-06

November 1, 2021

November 1. 2021, 3:30 pm

1. Memorial Resolutions for:
Professor Emeritus Larry Dahl (Fac doc 2970)
Professor Emeritus Hans Reich (Fac doc 2971)
Professor Emeritus Edward Jackson (Fac doc 2972)
Professor Emerita Nancy Johnson (Fac doc 2973)
Professor Donata Oertel (Fac doc 2974)

2. Announcements/Information Items

3. Update on Native Nations UW Initiative

4. Question Period

5. Minutes of October 4 meeting (consent)


6. University Academic Planning Council Annual Report for 2020-2021 (Fac doc 2975)

7. Committee on Faculty Rights and Responsibilities Annual Report for 1996-2021 (Fac doc 2976)

8. Budget Committee Annual Report for 2020-2021 (Fac doc 2977)

9. University Curriculum Committee Annual Report for 2020-2021 (Fac doc 2978)

Old Business

10. Changes to Faculty Policies and Procedures Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6: Amending FPP 1.30 (Meetings of the Faculty), FPP 2.06 (Meetings of the Senate), FPP 3.04 (Meetings of College and School Faculties), FPP 3.06 (Meetings of the Graduate Faculty), FPP 3.07 (Graduate Faculty Executive Committee), FPP 3.08 (School and College Academic Planning Councils), FPP 4.04 (Divisional Meetings), FPP 4.30 (Divisional Executive Committees: Procedures), FPP 4.40 (Divisional Committee Review Council), and FPP 6.10 (Meetings) (vote) (Fac doc 2969 Rev)

New Business

11. Resolution in Support of Academic Freedom to Teach Race and Gender Justice and Critical Race Theory (vote) (Fac doc 2979)

12. Changes to Standardize Membership Information in Faculty Policies and Procedures Chapter 6 Committees: FPP 6.25 (Budget Committee, FPP 6.52 (University Academic Planning Council), FPP 6.38 (Committee on Faculty Rights and Responsibilities), and FPP 6.53 (University Curriculum Committee) (vote) (Fac doc 2980)

13. Amendments to Policy UW-879, Evening Midterm Exam Policy (first reading) (Fac doc 1585 Rev)

14. Proposal to Remove Program for Honorific Research Professor titles (first reading) (Fac doc 1489i)

Faculty Senate Minutes 2021-11-01

October 4, 2021

October 4, 2021, 3:30 p.m.

1. Memorial Resolutions for:
Professor Emeritus Phil Certain (Fac doc 2955)
Professor Mark Cook (Fac doc 2956)
Professor Emeritus Peter Eichman (Fac doc 2957)
Professor Emeritus Donald McCarty (Fac doc 2958)   
Professor Tejumola Olaniyan (Fac doc 2959)

2. Announcements/Information Items

3. State of the University

4. Question period

5. Minutes of May 3 meeting (consent)


6. Immigration and International Issues Committee Annual Report for 2019-2020 (Fac doc 2960)

7. Recreation and Wellbeing Advisory Board (formerly the Recreational Sports Board) Combined Annual Reports for 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 (Fac doc 2961)

8. Information Technology Committee Annual Report for 2020-2021 (Fac doc 2962)

9. University Library Committee Annual Report for 2020-2021 (Fac doc 2963)

10. University Committee Annual Report for 2020-2021 (Fac doc 2964)

New Business

11. Proposal to Change the Process in Establishing the Academic Calendar: Revision to Faculty Document 2570 (vote) (Fac doc 2570 Rev)

12. Resolution on the Academic Calendar, Diversity and Inclusion (Fac doc 2965)

13. Proposal to Standardize Membership Information in Faculty Policies and Procedures Chapter 6 Committees: FPP 6.42 (Information Technology Committee), FPP 6.61 (Immigration and International Issues Committee), and FPP 6.54 (University Committee) (vote) (Fac doc 2966)

14. Changes to Faculty Policies and Procedures Chapter 6: Amending FPP 6.48 (Recreational Sports Board) (vote) (Fac doc 2967)

15. Changes to Faculty Policies and Procedures Chapter 6: Amending FPP 6.46 (University Libraries Committee) (vote) (Fac doc 2968)

16. Changes to Faculty Policies and Procedures Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6: Amending FPP 1.30 (Meetings of the Faculty), FPP 2.06 (Meetings of the Senate), FPP 3.04 (Meetings of College and School Faculties), FPP 3.06 (Meetings of the Graduate Faculty), FPP 3.07 (Graduate Faculty Executive Committee), FPP 3.08 (School and College Academic Planning Councils), FPP 4.04 (Divisional Meetings), FPP 4.30 (Divisional Executive Committees: Procedures), FPP 4.40 (Divisional Committee Review Council), and FPP 6.10 (Meetings) (first reading) (Fac doc 2969)

Faculty Senate Minutes 2021-10-04

Faculty Senate, Minutes, Agenda, 2021, 2022 
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Owned by:
Jenny S. in UW Secretary of the Faculty
UW Secretary of the Faculty