Academic Staff Executive Committee Minutes 10-24-24
Approved 10-31-24
ASEC Minutes
1:00 – 3:30 p.m. Thursday, October 24, 2024
Members Present: Richard Barajas, Aaron Crandall, Alissa Ewer, Andrew Lokuta, Albert Muniz (chair), Nicole Senter, Diane Stojanovich, Nola Walker
Members Absent: Terry Paape
Guests: LaVar Charleston, Lucien Gerondeau, Karen Massetti-Moran, Emily Reynolds, Tsering Thillman, Scott Wildman
The meeting was called to order at 1:00 p.m.
The minutes of October 10 were approved.
General Reports
Mallory Musolf reported that the finalist interview dates were announced for the School of Medicine and Public Health Dean position and Research and Sponsored Programs Director position. Mallory also shared the Ad Hoc Working Group on Researchers and Scientists held their first meeting.
Liaison Reports
Andrew Lokuta reported that the Libraries Committee on Academic Staff Issues (CASI)/Librarians’ Assembly discussed absentee voting. The Law School CASI had its first meeting of the academic year. The Extension CASI discussed the UW System draft policy on Copyrightable Materials Ownership, Use, and Control.
Aaron Crandall reported the Education CASI discussed a draft CASI letter to leadership.
Nola Walker reported the Mentoring Committee discussed the mentor-mentee match program and programming and resources for mentors and mentees.
Richard Barajas reported on the progress of the Ad Hoc Review Committee on Academic Staff Teaching Professor Titles and the Professor of Practice Title.
Alissa Ewer reported the UW System shared governance meeting covered several topics including the System draft policy on Copyrightable Materials Ownership, Use, and Control, preparation for Workday, including impacts to performance evaluation management, as well as UW–Madison becoming separate from System, a topic under consideration by the 2024 Legislative Council Study Committee on the future of the Universities of Wisconsin System. The OVCR CASI recently voted in new members and voted in a new vice chair, Molly Zeller.
Albert Muniz reported the L&S CASI met with Dean Wilcots, who presented on the recently announced shared services model, which is now named Administrative Regional Teams (ART). Concerns were raised regarding impacts to staff in managerial roles losing their direct reports.
Diana Stojanovich reported the Professional Development and Recognition Committee is reviewing professional development grants submitted for spring 2025 activities. The University Academic Planning Council voted to approve two new centers, Wisconsin CHIPS Center and the Wisconsin Center for Origins Research.
- ASEC Subcommittee Report Out
The morale and climate subcommittee (Richard, Alissa, and Andrew) generated a list of questions around remote work and climate with a plan to address them with OHR. They also reviewed the OHR new employment website and discussed data needs around climate, moral, and remote work. The professional development subcommittee (Aaron, Nicole Senter, and Diane) discussed developing new communities of practice (CoPs) for underserved job areas. A potential action step includes doing an inventory of CoPs on campus to help identify areas where CoPs could be developed. The engagement and outreach subcommittee (Albert, Nola, and Terry Paape) reported on some of their recent outreach activities including staffing an academic staff governance table at the benefits fair and the ASEC meet and greet prior to the October Assembly meeting. They also presented a draft academic staff governance survey for review. ASEC members will provide feedback by Friday, November 1st.
Recessed at 1:50 p.m.
Reconvened at 2:00 p.m.
Guest: LaVar Charleston, Vice Chancellor for Inclusive Excellence (VCIE)
VCIE LaVar Charleston provided an overview of the Division of Diversity, Equity, and Educational Achievement and reported on the strategic priorities for inclusive excellence. LaVar is leading review of the Black Community Experience Report recommendations and action steps on those recommendations. As part of this effort, a tiger team with broad representation was established to help address the central focused aspects of the recommendations to see what can be done in the short-term and long-term. An update on this work is planned for spring 2025. LaVar encouraged ASEC members to attend the Diversity Forum on November 13 and 14.
Guest: Karen Massetti-Moran, Deputy Chief Human Resources Officer
Karen reported on guidance on the use of interim titles. She also discussed OHR’s onboarding toolkit, a resource to support units onboarding new hires. Workday will have basic onboarding guidance available within the tool. Regarding potential pay disparities across divisions for staff with the same title, it is not expected that there will be similar salaries for individuals in the same position across campus. Schools/Colleges/Divisions have flexibility within the salary structure.
- November Assembly Agenda
ASEC reviewed the November Assembly agenda and will vote to approve it at the October 31st meeting.
- Topics for next ASEC meeting (October 31st) guests
Provost: Incentivizing RISE faculty hires; long-term funding for RISE funding; representation on thought leader groups for each RISE area
Chancellor: Legislative Council Study Committee proposal to split UW–Madison from UW System
Meeting adjourned at 3:33 p.m.
Minutes submitted by Mallory Musolf, Secretary of the Academic Staff