1Password - Set Up and Unlock 1Password on a New Device
Instructions for 1Password Setup and Verification
Important Note: Signing out, clearing your browser cache, or deleting cookies may require you to repeat these steps. To ensure you always have access to your verification code, it is recommended to sign in to the 1Password app on your computer and/or mobile phone. If you are signed out of 1Password on all devices, account recovery will be necessary. For help, visit: 1Password - Get Help: Account Recovery
Initial Setup and Linking Your First Device
When you first activate and log in to your 1Password account using your NetID, you will link your first device (e.g., browser, browser extension, desktop app, or mobile app). This device will serve as a trusted platform to verify your identity when signing in on new devices. This verification process ensures the security and end-to-end encryption of the information you store in 1Password. Learn more about 1Password's trusted device model here: 1Password Trusted Devices.
Setup Browser Setup Desktop App Setup Browser Extension Setup Mobile App Retrieve Verification Code from Browser Retrieve Verification Code from App Retrieve Verification Code from Extension
Step 1: Signing In on a New Device
Follow the instructions below based on your platform: browser, desktop app, or browser extension.
Setting Up a Web Browser
Navigate to uw-madison.1password.com, enter your email address (netid@wisc.edu), and click Continue.
Provide your NetID and password. If you are already signed in with your NetID, you may not be prompted for this step.
- Do not select "public/shared computer" unless necessary.
Approve the Duo prompt sent to your linked device. If you’re already authenticated with Duo, this step may be skipped.
You’ll be prompted to retrieve a verification code from an already linked app or browser. Enter the verification code to complete the setup.
Access the verification code in your previously linked 1Password app or browser. See Step 2 below.
Enter the code to link your new browser to your 1Password account.
You are now signed in and the browser added as a trusted device.
New Browser Sign-in Example:
*Signing out or clearing your browser cache may require you to repeat these steps. It is recommended you sign-in to a 1Password app on your computer or phone to ensure you always have somewhere to retrieve the verification key. If you are signed out of 1Password everywhere you will need to recover your account.
Setting Up the 1Password Desktop App
- See 1Password - Getting Started with 1Password at UW-Madison if you have not yet installed the 1Password desktop app.
Open the 1Password desktop app and select Sign In.
Select Enter account details.
Enter your university email address (netid@wisc.edu) and update the sign-in address to
, then click Next.
Select Sign in with NetID Login and log in via your browser with your NetID credentials.
Provide your NetID and password. If you are already signed in with your NetID, you may not be prompted for this step.
Approve the Duo prompt sent to your linked device. If you’re already authenticated with Duo, this step may be skipped.
Upon successful login, you’ll be redirected to the 1Password app.
You’ll be prompted to retrieve a verification code from an already linked app or browser. Enter the verification code to complete the setup.
Access the verification code in your previously linked 1Password app or browser. See Step 2 below.
Enter the code to link your new app to your 1Password account.
You are now signed in and the app added as a trusted device.
Setting Up the 1Password Browser Extension
- See 1Password - Getting Started with 1Password at UW-Madison if you have not yet installed the 1Password browser extension.
Open the browser where the 1Password extension is installed.
Navigate to uw-madison.1password.com, enter your email address (netid@wisc.edu), and click Continue.
Important Note: Clicking the 1Password extension and following the sign-in link will not use the correct sign-in address. Error example:
Provide your NetID and password. If you are already signed in with your NetID, you may not be prompted for this step.
- Do not select "public/shared computer" unless necessary.
Approve the Duo prompt sent to your linked device. If you’re already authenticated with Duo, this step may be skipped.
You’ll be prompted to retrieve a verification code from an already linked app or browser. Enter the verification code to complete the setup.
Access the verification code in your previously linked 1Password app or browser. See Step 2 below.
Enter the code to link your new browser extension to your 1Password account.
The extension will display an "Add account to 1Password" prompt. Select Add account and allow notifications for future verifications.
You are now signed in and the extension added as a trusted device.
Browser Extension Sign-in Example:
Signing out or clearing your browser cache may require you to repeat these steps. It is recommended you sign-in to a 1Password app on your computer or phone to ensure you always have somewhere to retrieve the verification key. If you are signed out of 1Password everywhere you will need to recover your account.
Setting Up the 1Password Mobile App
- See 1Password - Getting Started with 1Password at UW-Madison if you have not yet installed the 1Password mobile app.
Open the 1Password mobile app and select Sign In.
Select Enter account details.
Enter your university email address (netid@wisc.edu) and update the sign-in address to
, then select Next. -
Select Sign in with NetID Login and log in via the browser popup with your NetID credentials.
Approve the Duo prompt sent to your linked device.
Upon successful login, you’ll be redirected back to the 1Password app.
You’ll be prompted to retrieve a verification code from an already linked app or browser. Enter the verification code to complete the setup.
Access the verification code in your previously linked 1Password app or browser. See Step 2 below for details.
Enter the code to link your new mobile app to your 1Password account.
You are now signed in and the app added as a trusted device.
Step 2: Finding Your Verification Code
To sign in on a new device, approve it using a trusted device by entering a code sent to one of them. Verification codes can be retrieved from any already linked devices. View devices linked to your account in your 1Password Profile. Follow the code retrieval instructions below based on your platform: browser, desktop app, or browser extension.
On the Web (uw-madison.1password.com)
Sign in to your account on uw-madison.1password.com using a linked browser.
Click your name in the top-right corner and select My Profile.
Under Pending Sign-Ins, select View next to the new app or browser.
If the sign in timed out, no pending devices will be shown. Start the sign-in again on the new device.
Choose Transfer Key to view the alphanumeric verification code.
Enter the code on the new app or browser and Submit.
Important Note: You won’t be able to find your verification code in Safari unless you sign in to your 1Password account at least every 7 days. To make sure you can always access your account, get the 1Password app.
Important Security Reminder: Never share your verification code with anyone. UW-Madison support staff and 1Password employees will never request your code.
In the 1Password App
Open and unlock an already linked 1Password app (e.g., Mac, iOS, Windows, Android, or Linux).
When prompted, select Transfer Key to view the verification code.
- If not automatically prompted, follow the On the Web section steps above.
Enter the code on your new app or browser and Submit.
Important Security Reminder: Never share your verification code with anyone. UW-Madison support staff and 1Password employees will never request your code.
In the 1Password Browser Extension
Open and unlock the 1Password browser extension.
When prompted, select Transfer Key to view the verification code.
- If not automatically prompted, follow the On the Web section steps above.
Enter the code on your new app or browser and Submit.
Important Security Reminder: Never share your verification code with anyone. UW-Madison support staff and 1Password employees will never request your code.
Important Note from UW Health: Please DO NOT store credentials for UW Health or Meriter systems in 1Password.