Faculty Senate Minutes 2022-02-07

Minutes approved March 07, 2022

Minutes for February 07, 2022

Chancellor Rebecca Blank called the online meeting to order at 3:30 p.m. with 161 voting members present (109 needed for quorum). A memorial resolution was offered for Professor Emeritus Max Carbon (Faculty Document 2992).

Chancellor Rebecca Blank reported that COVID-19 infection numbers are declining in Dane County and on campus, even with students returning. A multi-layered strategy on campus this spring includes testing (both PCR and antigen testing), masking (K95 masks are available), and encouraging booster shots (available on campus). Everyone should upload their vaccination record to UHS. She thanked faculty for their flexibility in the classroom in dealing with student illnesses.

Thirteen faculty and academic staff were elected to the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) this year. Jay Rothman has been selected as the next president of the UW System. He is an attorney and is the CEO of the Foley and Lardner law firm in Milwaukee. Two ongoing searches on campus include the Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration (finalists visiting in April) and Chancellor (finalists visiting in May). UW-Madison is hosting the February Board of Regents meeting and the Chancellor will provide them with a report on accomplishments as well as a list of challenges that the Board will need to address with the next chancellor.

University Committee Chair Eric Sandgren shared that the Secretary of the Faculty will be developing a tracking document for governance committee issues. The Ad Hoc Committee on Administrative Burden is being constituted. Faculty interested in serving on the committee or suggesting topics should contact Dorothy Edwards at dfedwards@wisc.edu.

Lori Reesor, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, reported that students have been very grateful for the flexibility and support provided by the faculty during this difficult period. Students are excited to be back in person and are seeking connections and belonging, but are still struggling. Mental health issues are on the rise for both undergraduates and graduate students. She encouraged faculty to give grace to themselves and their students by creating a community of care on campus.

The Faculty Senate Minutes 2021-12-06 were approved by consent. Also approved by consent were changes to Faculty Policies and Procedures, standardizing membership information for the Committee on Honorary Degrees, Kemper K. Knapp Bequest Committee, and the Committee on Committees (Faculty Document 2993). Mindi Thompson (District 32, Counseling Psychology) presented the Kemper K. Knapp Bequest Committee annual report for 2021-2022 (Faculty Document 2994), and University Committee member Erica Halverson presented the slates for elections that will be held in April (Faculty Document 2995). There were no questions on these reports.

University Committee member Erica Halverson moved removal of the Policy on Use of University Facilities (Faculty Document 2996). The motion was approved.

University Committee Chair Eric Sandgren presented a first reading of the proposed 2026-2027 academic calendar, as well a proposal to maintain a 5-year rolling calendar for a first reading (Faculty Document 2997).

Professor Adrian Treves, chair of the Committee on Disability Access and Inclusion, presented a resolution on an accessible and inclusive campus for a first reading (Faculty Document 2998).

Professor Mathew Hitchman, faculty senator for District 64, Atmospheric & Oceanic Sciences, presented a motion to support an academic staff resolution on the state pay plan distribution for a first reading (Faculty Document 2999).

University Committee member Lauren Papp presented a change in FPP 7.16.D.4 to clarify the appeals timeline for promotion from associate professor to professor for a first reading (Faculty Document 3000).

Senators were encouraged to take all four first readings back to their departments for comments.

Chancellor Blank adjourned the meeting at 4:15 pm.

Heather Daniels

Secretary of the Faculty

Faculty Senate 
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Jenny S. in UW Secretary of the Faculty
UW Secretary of the Faculty