DARS Authorization

The following section explains how individuals in L&S departments/units obtain authorization to run DARS for students.

DARS is an online degree audit system and the official record of L&S undergraduate student degree progress, and completion.   A DARS is available for every L&S undergraduate degree, major, and certificate and is used to audit student's for eligibility for their degrees.  Data from DARS audits is stored and used by L&S Academic Information Management to provide summaries and analysis of curricular outcomes and student progress and completion statistics.  

DARS is used by students, advisors, and other staff to track individual student progress towards and completion of curricular requirements.  The requirements are audited based on the date of matriculation to UW-Madison and declaration of major/certificate program by combining current student information and L&S degree requirement information.

Anyone in L&S with responsibility to advise students and track their academic progress may request authorization to run and view DARS for individual students.  To request authorization, visit the Office of the Registrar's DARS webpage and use the link at the bottom to download the DARS Authorization form.   Send completed forms to Assistant Dean Mike Pflieger for approval.

DARS, requirement, program, DARS-X, learning outcome, curriculum 
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