GroupWise Archive Access Instructions
GroupWise Archive (GWArchive) is available to those who used Novell GroupWise prior to our migration to Office 365 in 2016. People who did not use that service will have no data stored in this service and will have no need to access it. Please follow the instructions below to access your archived emails:
Logging In
1) Login to Surgery Remote using a web browser:
1a) If you have difficulties logging in or using Surgery Remote, please see our Surgery Remote - Getting Logged In on the topic.
2) Launch the GroupWise Archive Access application and Citrix Workspace should take a minute to launch it.
3) Login using your full Surgery email address (e.g. and Surgery password.
Displaying Emails
1) Your email folders will appear on the left side. Click on one of them to see items archived from that folder.
2) By default, the time range will be set for the Last 30 days. Click into the time range drop-down to modify this.
3) Choosing the Custom option will allow you to set a relevant time range by clicking on the Calendar Icon. Click OK to display messages from that date range.
4) Click on a particular message Sender or Subject Line to bring it up in a new window
Exporting/Forwarding Emails
There are two primary ways to export messages from GWArchive. Both are available depending on your preference.
1) With a message open, click the Print icon and choose Adobe PDF or Microsoft Print to PDF and save it to a known file location, preferably on the Surgery Network Drives (e.g. U:\ drive)
2) Click the check box in the folder view. Then click the Forward button along the top.
Specify your current email address as the recipient and click the Forward Messages button.
A message from should appear in your inbox shortly with the archived message attached.
Search For Emails
The Search tool is available in the tabs along the top of the page (1). It is fairly powerful with a lot of different options. Simply type your search string into the search bar (2) and select the category you want to search for with that string (3), then it is highly recommended to specify a Date Range (4). Your current search parameters will appear along the top (5). For example, one could find messages received from Sender addresses containing "Marshall" from 5/01/2016 to 5/30/2016 by specifying the search parameters in the screenshot.