Review permissions for ResearchDrive in Globus

How to view the permissions tab for any data shared in ResearchDrive via Globus
  1. Open your ResearchDrive or RestrictedDrive collection in Globus by navigating to in a browser
    1. If prompted to login, click on University of Wisconsin-Madison from the organization drop down, and click continue to login with your NetID

  2. Click on the collection search box at the top of the page
    collection search box
  3. Click on the "your collections" tab and select your ResearchDrive or RestrictedDrive from the list (e.g., wisc-drive-NetID or wisc-restricted-NetID)
    your collections tab
    click on your NetID

  4. Click on the "Permissions" button in the right navigation pane
    permissions tab

  5. Here you can see all of the files and folders that have been shared with Globus. To remove them, click the garbage can icon and click remove.
    view permissions

access control globus restricted drive restricteddrive research researchdrive share sharing permissions 
Doc ID:
Owned by:
Jackson K. in MERIT
MERIT, School of Education