Share Your News and Stories!
Have a pitch for a story, or news you'd like shared with our audiences? Let us know!
The strategic communications team is always looking for great news and stories to share across our platforms and publications. Please use this form to share your tips with us!
News vs. Stories: What's the Diff?
News is coverage of a specific current or recent event. Here are some examples:
- A faculty member just published a new book
- A graduate student had a journal article published
- An undergraduate student won a campus award
- A class is partnering with a community to research something
- A cohort took a field trip off campus
Stories dig deeper, either into a person's life/background or a specific topic. You may have a story idea if you think:
- [Insert person here] has a really interesting backstory that I'm curious about
- [Insert person here] does unique research. I wonder what got them started?
- What's the deal with [insert topic here] anyway?
- [Insert person here] is doing really cool work in [insert topic here] and I want to learn more.
- I want to know how to [insert problem/question] here; surely someone at Nelson has expertise in this area.