Timetable Planning - Set and check for course conflicts

A guide on how to set course conflict rules in Timetable Planning. Setting course conflicts makes it easy to see when two classes that should not be offered at the same time have been scheduled for the same time and day.

In this guide

Add a course conflict rule

Near the top of the Timetable Planning page, select the blue “Set Course Conflicts” link.

Timetable Planning page with "Set Course Conflicts" link at top, highlighted in red

On the Course Conflicts page, verify that you’ve selected the academic term in which you want to set a course conflict rule. Select “Refresh Data” to ensure the page updates. 

Course Conflicts page with Term dropdown and "Refresh Data" button at top, highlighted in red

On the left side of the form, select the first course number from the dropdown. Enter the section number in the blank field beside the dropdown.

On the right side of the form, do the same for the second course. 

Course Conflicts page with course section numbers entered at top, and "Add" button highlighted in red

Select the “Add” button to create the course conflict rule. Check the Course Conflicts table below to verify that the conflict has been set for the correct two courses.

Course Conflicts page with existing conflicts listed in table below. Conflict recently added is highlighted in red at bottom of table

Set a conflict rule for multiple sections

To add a course conflict rule for all sections of a given course, enter an asterisk (*) in the blank field where the section number would typically be entered.

Course Conflicts page with asterisk entered in section number field, highlighted in red

If you want to set a conflict rule for multiple sections but not necessarily all sections of a course, you must manually enter the conflict rules one by one.

Can you delete a conflict rule?

Yes, you can delete a course conflict rule, whether you created it or someone else did. 

To delete a course conflict rule, go to the Course Conflicts page and find the row that contains the two courses set by the rule. Select “Delete” on the right.

Course Conflicts page with existing conflicts listed in table below. In right-most column of table, Delete button is highlighted in red

Please note there is no secondary warning that asks you to confirm whether you want to delete the course conflict rule. Once you select “Delete,” the rule is instantly removed from the system.

Check for course conflicts

On the Timetable Planning page, verify that you’ve selected the academic term that you want to check for course conflicts.  Select “Refresh Data” to ensure the page updates. 

Select the “Check for Conflicts” button and wait for the page to reload. 

Timetable Planning page with "Check for Conflicts" button highlighted in red at top of page

If there is a course conflict present, there will be a red error message at the top of the page when it reloads. The error message will include the course numbers of the two courses that conflict. 

Timetable Planning page with red error message at top, which reads "The course 896-205-301 conflicts with 896-205-302"

Using the “Check for Conflicts” button will not visually highlight the conflicting courses within the timetable grid itself. To find the courses on their scheduled day and time, use Ctrl+F on Windows (or Cmd+F on Mac) to open the search box and enter the course section number you’re looking for.

Need more help?

For more general help with the Timetable Planning page, refer to Timetable Planning - Overview.

ipt, instructional planning tool, timetable planning, timetable, course, conflict, conflicts, course conflict, course conflicts, set course conflict, set course conflicts, set conflicts, course time conflict, time conflict, check for conflict, check for course conflicts, check for conflicts, check 
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Daniella P. in Instructional Planning Tool Reference
Instructional Planning Tool Reference