Instructor Management - Edit instructor data

A step-by-step guide on how to edit instructor or placeholder data in IPT.

To access the Instructor Management page, you must have Instructor Manager permissions, which can be set by your IPT administrator. 

In this guide

Edit instructor or placeholder data

Please note there are certain fields you cannot edit once an instructor is added to the IPT system list. These include email and employee ID.

  1. Select “Instructor Management” from the IPT navigation menu on the left.

  2. On the Instructor Management page, select the name of the instructor or placeholder you’d like to edit.
    Instructor Management page with blue instructor name link highlighted in red

  3. The instructor or placeholder’s name, email, and employee ID will display at the top of the Instructor page. 

    1. For instructors with SIS employee IDs, the Name field cannot be completely edited, but you can set an Alternative Last Name if needed.

    2. For placeholders, the Name field can be updated at any time.
      Instructor page with Name field filled by placeholder text. "Update" button on right is highlighted in red

  4. Before making changes to any of the remaining fields, select a term from the dropdown list. Most changes* can be made only on a term-by-term basis, so selecting the correct term is important.

    1. *Go to step 7 for the exceptions.
      Instructor page with Term dropdown highlighted in red in middle of page

  5. Enter the new information and then select “Update” at the bottom of the form to save your changes for the currently selected term.
    full Instructor page with "Update" button circled in red at bottom

  6. If you need to edit instructor data for other terms, repeat the process in steps 4 and 5 until complete. 

  7. There are two fields that allow you to make changes for the current term and future terms — Teaching Load and Default Title.
    Instructor page with Teaching Load and Default Title fields shown in form, with "Update Current and Future" buttons highlighted in red

    1. Teaching Load can be updated for future terms on a seasonal basis. This means if you make a change to an instructor’s Spring course load, you can select the “Update Current & Future Spring Terms” button on the right to make it the instructor’s default course load for all Spring semesters going forward.

    2. Default Title can be updated for the current term and all future terms at once. To do so, select the new title from the dropdown list and then select “Update Current & Future” on the right.

Can you delete an instructor or placeholder?

You cannot delete an instructor or placeholder once they’ve been added to the IPT system list. 

If you need to prevent an instructor from showing up in the instructor list, you can hide them for the currently selected term by deselecting the “Show” checkbox at the bottom of the Instructor page. Be sure to select “Update” to save your changes.

Instructor page with "Show" checkbox highlighted in red at bottom of form

Select “Go Back” at the top of the Instructor page to return to the full instructor list. Verify that the instructor or placeholder has been removed from the list for the term you intended.

You will need to deselect the “Show” checkbox for every term that you want the instructor or placeholder to be hidden.

As of January 2025, there is no way to manually hide an instructor or placeholder from the current term and all future terms at once. However, IPT is set up so that instructors automatically become hidden after they have not been assigned courses for a full academic year (three terms, including summer).

Add a course release (buyout)

For help with adding a course release (also known as a buyout), refer to Academic Year Planning - Add a course release (buyout).

Need more help?

If you need help with other tasks in Instructor Management, refer to Instructor Management - Overview.

ipt, instructional planning tool, instructor management, edit instructor, edit placeholder, instructor, placeholder, instructor list, instructor page, instructors, faculty, lecturer, TA, professor, admin, administrator 
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Daniella P. in Instructional Planning Tool Reference
Instructional Planning Tool Reference