Network Services Programming Style Guide - Tool Template for NS Scripts and Tools With Comments
This document presents the various sections of a typical script along with explanations for each section.
#! /usr/bin/perl -w #============================================================ # S C R I P T F I L E N A M E . P L # # $Id$ <- RCS will automatically add version and author info here # # A short, one or two line description of what this script does. # Written by A. User#============================================================ #============================================================ # U S E / R E Q U I R E # Perl modules and perl libraries that are needed by this script go here. # 'use strict' MUST be included here. #============================================================ use strict; #============================================================ # P R O T O T Y P E S # Subroutine and function prototypes go here, if there are any. #============================================================ sub mySubroutine($;$); # '$' means a required parameter, ';$' means an optional parameter sub myFunction($;$); #============================================================ # C O N F I G # These are variables that might change if the script moves. # Constants also go here. #============================================================ my $rcs = '/usr/bin/rcs' my $email suffix = ''; my $ARG1 = 'foo'; my $MONTHS_IN_YEAR = 12; #============================================================ # G L O B A L S # These is where global variables go. Basically these variables should only be used # in the main() method. All other variables should be passed to subroutines as # parameters except in rare cases. #============================================================ my $main_result = undef; my $arg3 = 'foo'; my $arg4 = 'bar'; #============================================================ # M A I N # The main method of the script starts here. #============================================================ #===== A comment describing what we're doing in the next two steps mySubroutine($ARG1, $MONTHS_IN_YEAR); $main_result = myFunction($arg3, $arg4); #===== Print our results print "$main_result\n"; exit; # the main method of the script ends here and the program exits here ###################### BEGIN SUBROUTINES ######################### #============================================================ # M Y S U B R O U T I N E # Arg1: A description of the required argument to this subroutine. # Arg2: A description of the optional argument to this subroutine. # A short explanation of this subroutine. #============================================================ sub mySubroutine($;$) { my $arg1 = shift or die "Must supply arg1 to myFunction()!\n"; # Required arg, die if not present my $arg2 = shift; # optional arg, don't die if not present # Do some stuff return; } # end of mySubroutine() #============================================================ # M Y F U N C T I O N # Arg1: A description of the required argument to this subroutine. # Arg2: A description of the optional argument to this subroutine. # Returns: A description of what this function returns. # A short explanation of this function. #============================================================ sub myFunction($;$) { my $arg1 = shift or die "Must supply arg1 to myFunction()!\n"; # Required arg, die if not present my $arg2 = shift; # optional arg, don't die if not present my $result = ''; # Do some stuff and store the results in the variable $result return($result); } # end of myFunction()