JEMS Hire - Teaching Assistant & Research Assistant Appointments

Process to enter appointments for Teaching Assistants and Research Assistants

[Doc 18151 content is unavailable at this time.]

Procedure At–a–Glance

Category: Teaching Assistant and Research Assistant appointments.
Audience: Department and Division staff who enter appointments.
Overarching Process: Hiring into Teaching Assistant and Research Assistant appointments
Jump to Procedure Steps (below)
Jump to Related Policies/Job Aids (below)

General Description:

This Knowledge Base (KB) document provides instructions to complete hiring transactions for Teaching Assistant (TA) and Research Assistant (RA) appointments. It is recommended to review the KB JEMS Hire - Introduction to System first.

Procedure Steps

To perform this procedure, follow these steps:

 JEMS HIRE Main Menu

From the Main Menu screen, click the Hire/Transfer button to begin the hiring transaction for TA and RA appointments. If the button is 'grayed' out, it is not navigable (access is based on security role).

Find/Add Hire Tab

The first screen that will appear is the Find/Add Hire Tab. Use the steps below to complete this tab.

Find/Add Hire tab

  1. Fill in one or more of the fields (Empl ID, Name, SSN#) in the top search section.
  2. Click the Search button to search the system (searching in JEMS uses information from two sources: HRS and IADS).
  3. Check the Select box next to the person you would like to use (Review HRS - UW Multiple Jobs Summary to select correct person: KB 29424).
  4. Select the "Recruitment Type", No associated PVL/Waiver
  5. Click Add Hire button.
  6. Complete each of the tabs by updating or adding information to each of the tabs as described below.

Person Information Tab

Person Tab

List of Fields and Descriptions for Person Tab
Empl ID The Empl ID will automatically populate if there is a person found (HRS, IADS). Review UW Multiple Jobs Summary in HRS to select the correct hiring action in a later step.
Person Effective Date* This date must be before or equal to the hire date of the first job
Waived Person Not Applicable
Name, First, Middle, Last & Suffix* Enter the legal name of hire 
Date of Birth* Enter the date of birth mm/dd/yyyy
Gender* Select the gender option
Ethnic Group Select the ethnic group (optional)
National ID/Social Security Number (SSN) Enter the social security number. Leave blank if you do not have the SSN#; this will add the record to the WED in HRS. For more information regarding this, see HRS KB 16907 or 33384
Foreign National

If person is a foreign national, check the “Foreign National” box. This will populate the HRS visa page and prompt the creation of a Glacier account. Foreign nationals on UW payroll must have a Glacier account and enter their immigration information. A higher tax rate will be applied if the relevant information is not added to HRS, and the Glacier account completed by the employee. 

For more information on this, see KB 16745

Foreign National Working  Outside of United States (US) Click this box ONLY if all four conditions are met:  1) Certain the individual will not pass the IRS Substantial Presence Test in the calendar years involved, 2) Individuals will remain outside the U.S. throughout the time the checkbox is selected in HRS, 3) Individual has  provided a Foreign Source Income Statement to hiring department and UW Glacier account administrator, and 4) Individual has provided an updated UW W-4  indicating their work location outside the U.S.

Person Contact Information

Person Contact tab

List of Fields and Descriptions for the Person Contact tab
 Release Home Information  Defaults to NO (unless the employee specifically requests otherwise) 
 Home & Office Addresses  Click the Edit/View Address Detail button to add/edit the home/office address
 Phone Information  Enter the person's home/office phone number if available (if more than one, check office as preferred)
 Home email address  Enter the Home email address (NOT the office email) of the employee if available

Add/Modify Addresses

Add or modify address, home tab

Add or modify address, office tab

Add both Home and Office address, then click the Save/Close button.

Position Information

Position tab

Click the TA/RA Quick Add button and follow the steps below:

TA/RA Wizard, Hire TA tab

List of Fields and Descriptions for the Hire TA tab for the TA/RA Wizard
Job Code To hire a Teaching Assistant appointment, select the TA button at the top of the screen. Then select the appropriate job code from the drop-down menu.

  • SA012– Teaching Assistant Senior
  • SA011– Teaching Assistant Standard
  • SA004 - Lecturer (Sa)
Year Select the appropriate year and session. By clicking on the magnifying glass a popup window will appear. Below are definitions for the session codes. Highlight the row you would like and click ok. The session code and begin/end dates will automatically populate.

  • AY = Academic Year
  • S1 = First Semester
  • S2= Second Semester
  • Summer Session

TA/RA Wizard, Hire RA tab

List of Fields and Descriptions for the Hire RA tab of the TA/RA Quick Add
 Job Code  To hire a Research Assistant appointment, select the RA button at the top of the screen. The Job Code SA009 will display as the is the only option.

 Pay Basis Select the appropriate pay basis using the drop down button. Refer to HRS KB 29426 for definitions of the different pay basis options.
 Year If annual pay basis is selected, the appointment begin date is required for the system to provide the appropriate comprate. The year and session code fields are not navigable.

For all other pay basis options, select the appropriate year. This will automatically populate the session code and begin/end dates.
  • AY = Academic Year
  • S1 = First Semester
  • S2= Second Semester
  • Summer Session
 Get Comprate  Click the Get Comprate button to have the program locate the appropriate comprate based on the appointment dates entered. This amount will populate the minimum rate. 


Position tab completed
List of Fields and Descriptions for the Position tab
 Position Effective Date*  Start date of the job
 Position Number  Number is automatically generated when the transaction is successfully 'pushed' into HRS
 Department *  Appointing Department (UDDS). Must be a valid UDDS
 Empl Class*  The employment type will automatically populate if the TA/RA wizard is used.

  • SA3 = Teaching Assistant (TA)
  • SA2 = Research Assistant (RA)

 See HRS KB 15813 for more information regarding Empl. Class.
 Job Code*  Title Code (Select from drop down list, this will automatically populate if the TA/RA wizard is used)
 FTE*  Enter the appropriate FTE value (e.g., .333)
 HR Dept Location*  The building location of the appointing department HR office. This is where the paper yellow leave statements are sent
 Back-Up for Limited Appointee  Not applicable
 Reports To*  Enter the supervisor's Empl ID. Click on the magnifying glass to select the correct Job/Position Number of the supervisor.
 FLSA Status  Select exempt or non-exempt
 Continuity*  02A = Fixed Term for less than one semester - 6 months
 02B = Fixed Term for a period greater than or equal to 1 semester or 6 months but less than one academic year or 12 months
 02C = Fixed Term for a period greater or equal to one academic year or 12 months
 Job Security  This field is used only for Fixed Term Renewable Academic Staff appointment with job security
 Guaranteed Length  This field is used only for Fixed Term Renewable Academic Staff appointment with Job Security

Job Tab

Job tab
List of Fields and Descriptions for the Job tab
 Hire Type*   Hire = The person does not have an active appointment, or this job will be a concurrent position
 Transfer = When an employee leaves one job to take a different job but there is no break in service or ending of an employment status.
 Empl Rcd#  If this is a new or concurrent appointment, leave blank. The Empl Record will be automatically generated when the appointment is successfully 'pushed' into HRS

 Selection is required when hire type is transfer.
 Action  Defaults to "Hire". No entry is needed.
 Action Reason  Select "Original/New Hire".
 Effective Date*  Start Date of the Job.
 Business Title  Enter the business title of the position (if applicable). This field will automatically populate if wizard is used.
 Expected Job End Date  This field will automatically populate with the Semester or Academic Year End Date if the Wizard is used. Enter or update the data as appropriate.
 Criminal Background Check (CBC Date)  Enter the date the Criminal Background Check is completed. Refer to the OHR HR policies for information regarding the Criminal Background Check
 Position of Trust  Enter Value that is appropriate for the position. Refer to the OHR HR policies for information regarding the Criminal Background Check
 Probation Type  Leave blank for the Empl Class
 Probation End Date  Not required
 Seasonal Status  Not required
 Additional Pay / Lump Sum  Not required
 Pay Basis*  Automatically populated if the Wizard was used. Enter or update the data as appropriate.
 Comp Rate*  Automatically populated if the Wizard was used. If the Wizard was not used, enter the appropriate data.


Note:  Information on this tab is not required for TA/RA appointments

Benefits tab

HR Contact

Contact tab
To add a contact, click the Add Contact button to open up the entry fields in the bottom portion of the screen

List of Fields and Descriptions for the HR Contact tab

 Contact Type

Select Contact type:
Primary Contact: The primary person to be contacted regarding the appointment is required
Funding Contact: The person who enters the funding information to be contacted when the appointment is successfully entered in HRS
Additional Contact: Name of a secondary contact (optional)
 Last and First Name*

Click the Get My Contact Data if you are the selected contact.  Your name and contact information should autofill.

If you are not the select contact, enter the contact's first and last name.  The Search Address Listings button will search for the first and last name in the directory and automatically populate Phone and Email Address if a match is found and selected.

 Phone Number* Enter the phone# for the contact, e,g., 608-263-2511 
 Email Address* Enter the contact email address (email is required for the primary contact)

Comments Tab

This tab is for comments associated with the individual position. These comments are created by staff that are authorized for hire. Only users with the proper Department authorization are able to access this tab. Those who have access to the tab can view all comments. Also listed on this tab are reports from the HRS Processing Log. Comments are listed in descending order.

Comment tab

Instructions for comments on the Comments tab
 To Add Comment  Click the Add Comment button
 To Edit/View  Click the comment to update and click the Edit/View button
 To Delete Comment  Click the comment to delete and click the Delete Comment button (can only delete comments you created)

Status History Tab

The data on this tab is not modifiable. It displays the history of statuses that a particular hire has had. Anyone with update or view access can view the status history of the appointment. The statuses are displayed in descending order.

Status history tab

Possible Statuses:

  • Draft
  • Entered
  • Department Approved
  • Division Approved – Sent to HRS
  • Finished – Entered In HRS

Related Policies

Related Job Aids

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Related Misc

Teaching Assistant,Research Assistant,Project Assistant,Program Assistant,Research Associate,Employee-In-Training,EIT,Student Assistant, jemshire 
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Caitlin R. in HR COP
HR Communities of Practice, UW–Shared Services