KB User's Guide - Settings Tab - Group Spaces Screen
You must have full administrative permissions in your space to perform these steps. This means access to the Documents, Settings, and Users tabs.
Group Spaces
Go to KB Admin Tools > Settings Tab > Group Spaces link
Editing a Group Space
The Groups Spaces screen shows the list of other KB subsites and their subsequent contact information. Fields in this table include:
Group Name
URL Path
Contact Name
Contact Email
Start Date
KB Admins will find their KB subsite information on the first row of this table.
To view/ modify the data, click on the Edit link in the Detail column, you will be taken to the Group Spaces screen displaying all Group Space Attributes.
Group Space Attributes
The Edit button will lead you to the Group Spaces screen displaying a number of sections with a variety of fields.
General Group Settings
Institution - Select your institution
Group ID - Automatically assigned Group ID
Group full name
Group short name
Group directory name - Required directory name
Allow crawler indexing
Time zone
Contact Information
Group contact name
Group contact email
Group Space and Site Status
Group space - Group space Active or Group space Inactive
Internal site - Internal site Active or Internal site Inactive
External site - External site Active or External site Inactive
Start Date
End Date
Documentation Settings
- Default doc site access - If you would like to specify a default value for your SiteAccess option, you can choose that here.
Draft change threshold - This threshold affects review and change notifications. For more information see Draft minor change default
Show edit this page link - "Edit this page" can be displayed on internal pages only.
External Site Settings
Browser tab title - Displays at the top of your browser window tab
Site title - Displays the site header like a logo. If undefined, your group space short name will be used
Tagline - Displays below the site title
SEO description - Max 225 characters
Additional meta tag - Browser parsable but not displayed
Site short name - Displays in SiteAccess section. Suffix "-external" will be automatically appended
Internal Site Settings
Browser tab title
- - Displays at the top of your browser window tab
Site title - Displays the site header like a logo. If undefined, your group space short name will be used
Tagline - Displays below the site title
SEO description - Max 225 characters
Additional meta tag - Browser parsable but not displayed
Site short name - Displays in SiteAccess section. Suffix "-internal" will be automatically appended
Update and Reset buttons
- Make sure to click the Update button to save your changes.