SIS - Student Enrollment History Messages
Table of Contents
Error Messages
1=Not Eligible to Enroll for Term.
3=Not Enrolled in Class, Drop Not Processed.
4=Already In Drop Status.
5=You are already enrolled in this class.
6=This class is closed and the wait list is full.
7=This class is closed.
8=Class Not Found For Enrollment. 9=Not Found For Class/Term, Maintenance Not Processed.
10=Error Calling Posting Program During Delete.
11=Class Table In Use, Not Available For Drop Request.
12=Enrollment Record In Use, Not Available For Drop Request.
13=Unable to drop or change units below minimum unit load.
14=Class is a co-requisite to another class.
15=Error Calling Posting Program For Add.
17=Time Scheduling Conflict for class 1 and 2, not enrolled.
18=Requisites Not Met.
19=Co-requisites Not Met.
20=Class taken previously, Repeat not allowed.
21=Institution: 1 does not map to a SetID.
22=SetID: 1, Level Load Rule: 2 is not defined/inactive as of Effdt
23=Institution: 1, Academic Program: 2 is undefined/inactive as of Effdt
24=No Academic Level found for SetID, Rule, Total Cumulative Units, as of Effdt.
25=No Academic Load for SetID Rule Total Term Units as of Effdt.
26=PTPSQLRT error in the Enrollment Request Engine.
27=Student Not on Waitlist to Enroll.
28=Not enrolled in Class, Drop-To-Waitlist not processed.
29=The wait list is full.
30=Maximum term unit load exceeded.
31=Record Not Changed, Not on Waitlist
32=Enrollment is not allowed for this class: It is outside the Career of Study.
33=Not enrolled in the /'From/' class, swap not processed.
34=You are already enrolled in this class.
35=Swap to class is closed and no wait list is available.
36=Error With Grade and Grade Basis For Penalty Drop Reason.
37=Student Career Record in Use, No Transactions for Student Were Processed.
38=Class requires permission to enroll.
39=Permission Number Entered Is Not Valid.
40=Cannot Drop, Class is Not an Enrollment Section.
41=Cannot Enroll in Class, Not an Enrollment Section.
42=Swap Not Processed, Class to Add is Not an Enrollment Section.
43=Swap Not Processed, Class to Drop Not an Enrollment Section.
44=Cannot Drop To Waitlist, Not an Enrollment Section.
45=Enrollment Drop Date is Past Drop With Penalty Date.
46=This class is closed and the wait list is full.
47=Auto Enroll Not Processed, Class is an Enrollment Section.
48=Auto Enroll Not Processed, Section Not Associated with the Enrollment Section.
49=Invalid Grade Basis for Class.
50=Class has been canceled.
51=The wait list is full for one or more of the class components requested.
52=Related Class Enrollment Not Completed, Class is Not an Enrollment Section.
53=Related Class Enrollment Not Completed, Section Not Associated with Enrollment Section.
54=Grade Transaction not processed, student not enrolled in class.
55=Grade Not Processed, student not In Enrollment Status.
56=Grade Not Present, cannot Change or Remove Grade.
57=Grade Present, cannot Add Grade.
58=Grade Not Processed, invalid Grade/Grade Basis.
59=Invalid Access to Override Class Limit.
60=Invalid Access to Override Grade Basis.
61=Invalid Access to Override Class Units.
62=Invalid Access to Override Unit Load.
63=Invalid Access to Override Class Links.
64=Invalid Access to Override Class Permission.
65=Invalid Access to Override Requisites.
66=Invalid Access to Override Time Conflict.
67=Invalid Access to Override Career.
68=Invalid Access to Wait List Function.
69=Past the deadline to Add.
70=Past the deadline to Add.
71=Past the deadline to Drop.
72=Past the deadline to Drop.
73=Past the deadline to Drop.
74=Invalid Access to Update Units.
75=Invalid Access to the Change Wait List Transaction
76=Invalid Access to the Add Grade Transaction.
77=Invalid Access to Change Grade.
78=Class Table in Use, Not Available for Add Request.
79=No valid appointment.
80=Wait List Period Has Ended.
81=Request(s) were not processed successfully.
82=The Enrollment Process Engine encountered a fatal error. Contact your administrator.
83=Invalid Drop Date; Drop Date is Prior To Add Date.
84=Unit Limit Exceeded For Appointment Period.
85=Invalid Access to Override Enroll Action Date.
86=Swap not processed, Hold on record.
87=You have a hold on your record.
88=A related class component is required.
89=Invalid Access To Override Service Impact.
90=Invalid Access to Override Appointment Times.
91=Maximum term or Session unit load exceeded.
92=Maximum term or Session unit load exceeded.
93=Maximum term or Session unit load exceeded.
94=Unable To Process Drop, Session Calendar Record Missing.
95=Enroll Add Period Has Ended, Unable to Process Transaction.
96=Add & Add W/Permission Deadline Dates Are Blank, Unable to Process Add Transaction.
97=Maximum Session No GPA Units Exceeded.
98=Maximum Session Audit Units Exceeded.
99=Maximum Session Wait Units Exceeded
100=Maximum term unit load exceeded.
101=Maximum Term Audit Units Exceeded.
102=Maximum Term Wait Units Exceeded.
103=Value entered for Units Taken are not within the valid range.
104=Invalid Access to Override Deadlines.
105=Class not found, no transactions processed.
106=Student Academic Career not found, no transactions processed.
107=Course Career not found.
108=Term Type not found for Term.
109=Unit Conversion not found.
110=Class Association Record not found.
111=Appointment Limit not found.
112=Operator defaults must be set in order to successfully cancel a class; navigate to Set Up SACR-User Defaults and consult the SIS home page for details on setting your user defaults.
113=Student not found on Student Career Term Table.
114=Entered Term not found on Term Table.
115=Academic Program not found.
116=Invalid Access to Override Requirement Designation.
117=Requirement Designation not found.
118=Class has been graded and cannot be dropped.
119=Grade Present, Cannot Drop Class to Wait List.
120=Appointment Audit Unit Limit Exceeded, Class Not Added.
121=Appointment No GPA Unit Limit Exceeded, Class Not Added.
122=Grading Basis is Blank, Specify Valid Grading Basis.
123=Maximum term or Session unit load exceeded.
124=Maximum term or Session unit load exceeded.
125=Maximum Appointment Unit Load Exceeded, Units Not Changed.
126=Maximum No GPA Session Load Exceeded, Units Not Changed.
127=Maximum Term No GPA Load Exceeded, Units Not Changed.
128=Maximum Session Audit Load Exceeded, Units Not Changed.
129=Maximum Audit Term Units Exceeded, Units Not Changed.
130=Maximum Appointment No GPA Load Exceeded, Units Not Changed.
131=Maximum Appointment Audit Load Exceeded, Units Not Changed.
132=Invalid Input Value for Units Taken, Must be Between 1 and 2 Units.
133=Class requires permission to enroll.
134=Repeat Code not found.
135=Requirement Designation Option not specified.
136=Grade Basis Cannot Change, without Grade Change.
137=Withdrawn from term.
138=Warning - Enrollment status is Withdrawn.
139=Enrollment status is Canceled for Term - No Enrollment Activity Allowed
140=Indicate if Requirement Designation is being chosen.
141=The Requirement Designation Options was set to 'YES' by the enrollment process.
142=Only those with Academic Plan 1 are allowed to take Requirement Designation 2.
143=Class is closed and you have been re-sectioned to like time/day pattern.
144=A Grade has been assigned for this Drop Request.
145=This is a duplicate transaction - select another class.
146=You are already enrolled in this class.
147=Course previously taken and may be subject to institutional repeat policy.
148=Grade already exists - Grade cannot be lapsed
149='Drop Class If Enrolled' value invalid, class number not found
150=Enrollment in Related Class 2 was not processed, It has the same Component as Related 1.
151=Transaction not processed, No Access to Repeat Code Change.
152=Transaction not processed, no access to Drop If Enrolled field
153=Invalid access to the Instructor Choice Change Transaction
154=Class is closed. You have been placed on the wait list.
155=Enrollment did not occur in "Drop If Enrolled Class", transaction processed without dropping class.
156=Invalid Wait List number
157=You have a hold on your record.
158=Swap Not Processed, Grade Present on From Class
159=Non-associated related class component 1; Enrollment did not take place.
160=Unable to drop or change units below minimum unit load.
161=Combined Section Class waitlist is full. Waitlisting not processed.
162=This combined class is closed and the wait list is full.
163=This combined class is closed.
164=This class is closed.
165=Auto Enroll section(s) used, related class(es) not used.
166=Maximum Appointment Wait List unit load exceeded.
167=The maximum term wait list unit limit would be exceeded with this change.
168=Maximum Session Wait List unit load exceeded
169=Cumulative 1 'From - To' Values are invalid.
170=Swapping non-enrollment sections requires a value in Related 1 field.
171=Grade cannot be assigned to a Non-Graded Grading Basis Section.
172=Course previously taken. When Graded, this course will be subject to Repeat Rules.
173=Course previously taken. Enrollment not allowed.
174=Course previously taken. When Graded, this course will be subject to Repeat Rules.
175=Course previously taken. Enrollment not allowed.
176=Temporarily Suspend Repeat Check on Enrollment
177=Temp Suspend Rpt Ck on Enrollment (From Institution Lvl)
178=Temp Suspend Rpt Ck on Enrollment (From Career Lvl)
179=Temporarily Suspend Repeat Check on Grade Input
180=Temp Suspend Rpt Ck on Grading (From Institution Lvl)
181=Temp Suspend Rpt Ck on Grading (From Career Lvl)
182=Note: Repeat Check setup will be used
183=Request to change units is not allowed.
184=When graded, course may exceed total units allowed for repeat courses.
185=Update will cascade down to associated Academic Careers and Programs.
186=Update will cascade down to associated Academic Programs.
187=Course previously taken and may be subject to institutional repeat policy.
188=Session code not found in Session Table setup.
189=Table size error found:PGM: PARA.
190=Invalid enrollment request action.
191=Student not enrolled - Reserve Capacity section class is full.
192=Enrollment Control Session not found for session.
193=Graded component not found for course.
194=Primary Component of the course not found.
195=First Date to Enroll has not been reached - not enrolled
196=Last Date to Enroll has expired.
197=Student not eligible for enrollment in an OEE course
198=Student OEE enrollment Start Date is missing.
199=OEE Enrollment Start Date must be later than the Enrollment Date.
200=OEE Enrollment Start Date is earlier than the Session Start Date.
201=OEE Enrollment Start Date is after the Session End Date.
202=OEE Date Calculation SQL Error.
203=OEE Date Calc Error
204=Student Enrollment OEE Record not found (searching class number).
205=Missing Drop Retain Reason Code
206=Invalid access to the Requirement Designation Change Transaction
207=Error detected in Repeat Checking Program.
208=Student OEE enrollment Start Date is missing.
209=Optional component class is closed.
210=Optional component class is closed and the wait list is full.
211=You are unable to swap this class at this time.
212=You are already wait listed for this class.
213=Available seats are reserved. Reserved seat requirement not met. Student not enrolled.
214=Class requires permission to enroll.
215=Open seat is unavailable due to waitlist.
216=Error during Service Impact Processing - return code = 1
217= To Drop from Class, Drop Not Processed.
218=Permission is required to drop from this class.
219=To Drop from Class specified in "Drop if Enroll Option".
220=Drop not allowed, Last Date to Drop has passed
221=Invalid Access to Override Dynamic Dates.
222=Unable to Process Withdrawal with Penalty
223=Not enrolled, class and its resection class are full
224=Drop to wait list not allowed
225=Enrollment Requirement is met conditionally.
226=Override is used.
227=Permission is used.
228=Error encountered - transaction is rejected.
229=Not enrolled in class.
230=Student is not in enrolled/waitlisted status.
231=Class is not an enrollment component.
232=Requirement is now satisfied.
233=Enrollment Requirement is not met for the Class, action required.
234=The pre-requisite for this class is currently in progress.
300=PTPSQLRT error.
301=Academic Institution, Career Term does not exist in the Term Table.
302=The Primary Academic Program: is not valid for this Institution as of Effdt.
303=SetID, Level Load Rule (Rule): is not defined/inactive as of Effdt
304=SetID, Level Load Rule (Load): is not defined/inactive as of Effdt.
305=No SetID was found for Institution.
306=SetID: Level Load Rule (Level): is not defined/inactive as of Effdt.
999=PTPSQLRT error.
Messages - Not an Error
138 = Warning – Enrollment status is Withdrawn.
141=Honors has been set to Yes by the enrollment process. This class is an honors only designation class.
147=You have exceeded the repeatable limit for this class. Verify that this class will apply towards your course study.
232=Requirement is now satisfied.
234=The pre-requisite for this class is currently in progress; Failure to successfully complete the pre-requisite may result in being dropped.
Enroll Status
Enrollment Transaction Status:
Errors (request not successful)
Success (successful request)
Messages (successful request)
Pending (transaction saved but not successfully submitted)
Enroll Action
Enrollment Activity Requested:
Enroll (add a class)
Enroll - WL (Placed on wait list for class)
Drop (drop an enrolled class)
Drop - WL (Dropped from wait listed class)
Swap (swap a class)
Swap - WL (swap out of an enrolled class and placed on wait list for different class and/or section)
Chg WL Pos (change wait list position)
Norm Maint (update credit or honors selection)
Add Grade
Change Grade
Remove Grade
Enroll Reason
Enroll Reason codes may appear when an enrollment transaction was performed by the Registrar/'s Office via a Course Change Request or a Class Roster Section Change Request.
Enroll Source
The source of the Enrollment Request:
SE = Self Service (web enrollment)
E = Registrar's Staff 10 digit User Id.
QE = Quick Enroll (Registrar/'s Office)
WD = Withdraw Engine
CC = Canceled Section Engine