SIS/Managing Your Enrollment - Faculty Center: Class Roster Field Descriptions

Displays information about the fields on the class roster.

list of fields in SIS and their descriptions
Class Roster Help Index
More information regarding viewing and printing class rosters are available at
If you do not see all classes for which you are the instructor, please consult your Department Curricular Representative.
Photo Roster
Clicking the Photo Roster button will produce a pdf version of the photo roster for the section you are viewing. The photo roster is produced in a new window, so be sure your pop-up blocker is set to allow pop-ups.

The class roster will always reflect up-to-the-minute enrollment in your class. The photo roster of your enrolled students is updated every four hours during the week and every six hours on the weekend. You may experience a temporary discrepancy between students actually enrolled in the class and the enrolled students listed on the photo roster. The last time the photo roster information was updated is listed on the photo roster page. Only the first three instructors are listed on the photo roster due to space limitations.

If the course section you are viewing was just added to the student information system, it could take up to four hours before a photo roster is available and a message will appear if the photo roster is not available.

Student photos are private, non-directory information and protected under federal law (FERPA). The use of photos on class rosters is for the legitimate educational interest of the instructor only. Proper care should be taken to protect the privacy of your students, including proper destruction of this photo class roster upon discontinuation of use.
Roster Type and Student Enrollment Status
The Student Enrollment Status will default to display Enrolled students.

To view students that have dropped this section as of the first day of class, select Dropped.
Students who have made section changes within the course will also appear on the dropped student list.

To view students that are on the wait list for this section, select Waiting.
Automated Wait Lists may be used by departments. If students are on an automated wait list, they will display in alphabetical order on this page. They will not display in wait list position number order.
Campus ID
Student/'s Campus ID
Student/'s Name - Last, Preferred (Primary)
Honors Type
Classes offering honors to students will have the following codes displayed:
  • HIA (%) - Honors available with Instructor approval to carry this class for honors. Additional work is often expected. Student selects yes or no for honors during course enrollment.
  • HOP (!) - Honors available and recommended for honors candidates. Students automatically receive the honors designation; no option during course enrollment.
  • HON (H) - students must be in an honors program to enroll for this class. Students automatically receive the honors designation; no option during course enrollment.
Honors Y/N
Indicates a Y if enrolled for honors or N if not enrolled for honors.

HON (H) and HOP (!) classes will automatically assign a Y for honors during course enrollment. There is no choice to the student.

Graduate students, Professional students and University Special students are not permitted to take classes for honors; courses automatically assigned honors will be adjusted to remove honors for these students.
Units Taken
Number of credits for which the student has enrolled.
AUD indicates the student is enrolled for Audit.
Student/'s Academic Program/Degree being sought. A complete listing is available at under "SIS program codes".
Current Level
Student/'s current academic level based on completed credits:
  • GR = GRAD
  • P1 - P4 = Professional year
  • 40 = Senior
  • 30 = Junior
  • 20 = Sophomore
  • 10 = Freshman
  • 05 = College Special, Special or Guest
Proj Level
Student/'s projected academic level based on completed credits plus current credits in progress:
  • GR = GRAD
  • P1 - P4 = Professional year
  • 40 = Senior
  • 30 = Junior
  • 20 = Sophomore
  • 10 = Freshman
  • 05 = College Special, Special or Guest
Subject Area
Academic Department offering the course. A complete listing may be obtained from the following web site:
Catalog Nbr
Three-digit course number.
Related Section 1
The course may have a required or optional related discussion or laboratory section.
Related Section 2
The course may have a required or optional related discussion or laboratory section.
Download Grid
To download student data to a spreadsheet:
  1. Click the Download icon located in the class roster grid.
  2. Select OPEN and the class roster student data should appear in a spreadsheet format.
  3. Select FILE and SAVE AS.
  4. Name your class roster file, select a file location and file/spreadsheet type of your choice.
  5. Close the spreadsheet browser window.
  6. 5) Open your class roster spreadsheet from the location to which you saved your file.
Browser and PC operating systems may vary how the Download feature will prompt for action- please consult with Help Desk for assistance.
Email tab
  • About Classlists and FAQs link will display more information about using and managing classlists.
  • Enable and Modify Your Class List link will direct you to the Class Utility for enabling and managing your classlist.
Please keep the privacy rights of our students in mind when sending to a group of select individual emails; we encourage each individual email address to be populated in the Bcc (blind copy) feature of your email application.

The class roster will always reflect up-to-the-minute enrollment in your class. The class list email addresses are refreshed 6 times throughout the day. You may experience a temporary discrepancy between students actually enrolled in your class and the email addresses that exist in your email address class list.

Keywordsadd, change, course (courses, class), course search and enroll, dars (DARS), degree (degrees, degree planner), drop, gpa (GPA), hold, honors, indicators, name, permission, plan (plans, planner), record (records), requisite (prerequisite), schedule (scheduler), sis (SIS), swap, textbook (textbooks), transcript, transfer, wait (waitlist, wait list), withdraw (withdrawal)   Doc ID19907
OwnerLogan R.GroupOffice of the Registrar
Created2011-08-22 13:11:44Updated2024-10-30 07:36:35
SitesDoIT Help Desk, Office of the Registrar
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