UW-Madison General Education Requirements
Campus-wide undergraduate General Education requirements went into effect in the fall semester, 1996-97 for all undergraduates whose initial college matriculation date is on or after May 20, 1996. The University Academic Planning Council has assigned the overall academic administration of the requirements to the College of Letters and Science to act as trustee on behalf of all schools and colleges.
Courses that satisfy the General Education requirements can be found at the University's Course Search and Enrollment page. On the left side of the page will be a list of course attributes that can be used to narrow that list down. Under General Education, you may select the following:
- Communication A
- Communication B
- Quantitative Reasoning A
- Quantitative Reasoning B
- Ethnic Studies
Users can also search for courses that meet specific "breadth" requirements across the Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences, and the Natural (Physical, Biological, and Computational) Sciences.
Information about the requirements, annual reports to the University APC and focused reports on assessment relative to learning in GER, "frequently asked questions," can be found at the UW-Madison undergraduate General Education requirements website.
Questions about General Education should be directed to Associate Dean Elaine Klein (elaine.klein <at> wisc.edu), who chairs the University General Education Committee.