L&S Governance & Committees

Overview of several committees in the College of Letters and Science (L&S).

The University of Wisconsin-Madison has a governance system under which faculty, staff, and students share responsibility for campus governance. This system works most effectively when all participants feel welcome to come forward to offer their energy and expertise in the shared governance system. We all have a stake in institutional governance, and we all benefit when governance thrives.

Much of the work of the college is conducted by committee, and most campus policies are established by groups acting on behalf of the departmental, school/college, and campus levels. The University depends heavily on the service of faculty, staff, and students, not only because of the necessary services they provide but also because of the quality and impact of the work performed by these university citizens. All members of the faculty and staff should consider participation in governance as members of committees and decision-making bodies convened at the campus, college, and department/unit levels. Given the importance of the decisions these groups make or influence, directors, department chairs, and supervisors should make participation possible when colleagues are called to serve.

L&S Governance and Advisory Committees:

Three college committees comprised of members who are both elected by their peers and appointed by the Dean play important roles in college-level governance.

Faculty Policies and Procedures, or, "FP&P" section 3.08 requires that each School or College shall establish an Academic Planning Council, for purposes of advising the dean regarding college programs and budgetary planning and to "present departmental, school, or college views and opinions" on these matters. The L&S Academic Planning Council advises the Dean on program, curricular and fiscal matters. These matters include requests to approve proposals to add, change or delete academic programs, or to create, substantially alter, or delete centers, institutes, departments, or other college-level units. The council is the college-level body that advises the dean in the Academic Program Review process and for consideration of the results of efforts to assess student learning in academic programs. Finally, the council serves as the dean's advisory body in matters related to strategic planning and budget processes. The APC's Operating Procedures, membership list, and other information can be found at Who Serves on the L&S Academic Planning Council .

The University Staff Issues Committee (USIC) represents the College university staff in advising the Dean on the development and review of all College policies and procedures affecting university staff. The committee provides a forum for Letters and Science university staff to:
  • provide input regarding college policies that affect university staff;
  • provide an opportunity to develop and promote new initiatives for professional growth and for college and departmental governance;
  • promote recognition of university staff; and
  • advise the Dean on policy and other issues.
More information about the USIC, including links to current initiatives, can be found online at www.ls.wisc.edu/csic .

Academic Staff Assembly document 210 states that "[the] academic staff of each school, college, or division shall establish a Committee on Academic Staff Issues [CASI], which shall advise the dean or director on the formulation and review, and shall be represented in the development, of all policies and procedures concerning academic staff members of the school, college or division, including personnel matters. " The L&S CASI advises the Dean on the formulation and review of policies and procedures concerning the Academic Staff members of the College. It also advises the Dean on Academic Staff promotional opportunities, participation in department governance, and performance recognition. Consistent with this mission, the committee has undertaken such projects as studying and developing model Guidelines for Performance Review for Academic Staff.

Other Regular College Committees

Several committees have been convened to address the ongoing academic and administrative business of the college. These include:
  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee
  • Faculty Academic Appeals Committee
  • Faculty Honors Committee
  • L&S Climate Committee
  • L&S Curriculum Committee
  • LSVC-IACUC (L&S and VCRGE Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee)
  • Tinker Nave Committee
Some committees meet only as the need arises. These include:
  • ad hoc committees to address questions about foreign language policy
  • Individual Majors Committee
  • Equity Action Committee  
  • scholarships committees
L&S also serves as the "trustee" for the administration of the undergraduate General Education Requirements, and convenes the University General Education Committee.

Information regarding current membership on campus committees can be obtained from the Office of the Secretary of the Faculty (262-3956 or online at https://secfac.wisc.edu/committees/), the Office of the Secretary of the Academic Staff (263-2985 or online at http://acstaff.wisc.edu).  Information regarding college committees can be obtained from the Dean's Office (263-2303).

Finally, in the event that no existing body can provide insight into emerging questions, the dean reserves the right to convene ad hoc committees to study new issues.

KeywordsAPC, USIC, CASI, governance groups, l&s councils, staff committees, dei, diversity, equity   Doc ID21335
OwnerElaine K.GroupL&S KB
Created2011-11-18 12:08:06Updated2022-07-25 09:47:38
SitesL&S KB
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