L&S Parking Information

Overview of procedures for L&S faculty and staff who wish to obtain parking permits. (Contacts and procedures provided here are not relevant to faculty and staff outside of L&S.)

Contact Dustin Ludke (dludke@wisc.edu) with any questions concerning parking.

All L&S faculty and staff who wish to apply for parking should contact Dustin Ludke to obtain access to the Parking Application System (PAS). A UW net ID and password is required to log into the PAS. Faculty and staff may apply for parking throughout the year at the following PAS web site link: https://www.fpm.wisc.edu/trans/permits/default.aspx. Faculty and staff may submit and update personal information as well as purchase parking permits offered to them by Transportation Services through the eBusiness system web site: https://uwtransservices.t2hosted.com/Account/Portal

Campus parking policies are established by the Parking and Transportation Board, composed of elected faculty and staff members and other members appointed by the Chancellor. Since availability of parking spaces is limited, administration of these policies is strict and complicated. Instructions and application reminders are sent to employees and departments in the spring for the following year (9/1-8/31). Information about Transportation Services policies and lots with available spaces can be found on the Transportation Services web site at http://www.fpm.wisc.edu/trans/.

The College establishes a prioritized list, determined largely on the basis of age and payroll title. Special adjustments to this list may also be made in cases of a recurrent and substantial need for use of a car in connection with job responsibilities. Special adjustment requests must be made by the department chair and sent to Dustin Ludke.  The College priority list is then merged with other campus lists, and ultimate assignment of parking spaces is determined by the Office of Transportation Services via a computer assignment program. For further information, contact Dustin Ludke, who coordinate parking for the College.

Faculty who will be on an approved sabbatical and who wish a parking assignment upon return from leave must notify Transportation Services of the leave period before the leave and request that their parking assignment(s) be placed in leave status. Requests should be made in writing prior to leaving campus, and should include the sabbatical approval letter.  Those faculty who will be on leave for the entire year, September 1-August 31, can simply forgo applying for parking for a year with no adverse effect.

Each spring, the L&S parking coordinator sends an email describing processes to department administrators and chairs (2022-2023 Parking Memo to Chairs-Directors); they may wish to consult this memorandum throughout the year as questions come up. Another message is sent directly to L&S faculty and staff (2022-2023 Parking Memo to Faculty-Staff), and it provides details on the application process and links to the website through which parking may be requested. 

parking, priorities, transportation, campus parking policies, parking application system, 
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