L&S Undergraduate Advising Appointment Set Up

The following section explains how L&S undergraduate students can find out the name/contact information for their advisor and set up an individual academic advising appointment.

How do I set up an appointment to meet with my L&S undergraduate advisor?

Students can set up an academic advising appointment with their assigned advisor by contacting their advisor directly.   Advisors will be able to share the best way to set up an appointment.  Information about finding an advisor is located at: 

Find an Advisor
Current Students Advising Information

In general students can find their assigned academic advisor in their Student Center.   Instruction on how to access the advisor name in Student Center is as follows:
  1. Login to MyUW
  2. Open the Student Center module
  3. Click on the DARS button
  4. Your advisor(s) should be listed under "Advisor Name(s):" 
  5. If you see anything wrong with the information displayed, you should contact the advising office which has assigned your advisor.  
If you are not sure how to find an advisor or the right advising unit to help, please refer to the "Not Sure" link for more assistance.

If you are ready to declare a major, you should contact the individual academic department(s) directly in order to declare a major and get an advisor within your academic program assigned.  Information regarding majors can be found at:

L&S Undergraduate Majors and Special Degree Programs

Contact L&S Academic Advising Services with further questions
Phone: (608) 262-5858
Email: advisingaas@ls.wisc.edu

advising, advisor, undergrad advisor, academic advisor, advising appointment, find my advisor 
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