Withdrawing from a Term

This section contains information for L&S undergraduate students about withdrawing from the university.

Withdrawing from the Term

Students are considered enrolled at UW–Madison if, starting on the first day of that term, they are enrolled in at least one course, even if they haven’t paid tuition yet, attended a class, or submitted any coursework.   

Students who decide not to attend UW-Madison for a term and are enrolled in at least one course must follow the appropriate steps in order to officially withdraw for the term.  Students who do not complete these steps will remain enrolled in their courses and will be billed and graded accordingly.  

Withdrawing for a term does not require students to exit the UW-Madison permanently. However, withdrawing or canceling enrollment will significantly limit eligibility to use university services and participate in university activities. It may affect financial-aid benefits and, for International students, may also affect visa status. Because of the impact of this decision, students are strongly encouraged to meet with relevant offices before completing the process.   

If any of the conditions below apply, students will be ineligible to withdraw from a term:  

  • They wish to remain enrolled in at least one credit for the term; 

  • They have completed at least one credit for the term; 

  • They have been found responsible for academic misconduct in one or more courses during the term.  

The steps to withdraw will vary depending on the timing of the request.  

    • In Summer Term, students who do not wish to complete any Summer Term courses should answer “No” when asked if they plan to register for other courses so a withdrawal request can be generated.  

    • NOTE: approval is not guaranteed for applications submitted after the deadline.  

    • Students will be asked to provide documentation that unforeseeable nonacademic circumstances emerged on or after the deadline which prevented the student from withdrawing on time OR prevented the student from completing the semester.  

    • Students may also be required to meet with an academic dean.  

Students should consider themselves enrolled until they are notified that the withdrawal application has been approved.  For withdrawals approved after the “DR/W Notation Deadline,” courses will appear on the transcript with a DR notation per UW Policy.  The DR is a neutral grade is not factored into a student’s GPA.  It does not communicate failure or irresponsibility — it reflects that a student made a choice to end enrollment in one or more courses. L&S does not backdate withdrawals to remove this notation for cosmetic purposes. Students with questions about the impact of drops on graduate school applications are encouraged to review current guidance and consult with staff in the Center for Pre-Health Advising, Center for Pre-Law Advising, or admissions representatives in the Graduate School.   

Students may be eligible for a full or partial refund of tuition based on the timing of their withdrawal application and the reasons for the withdrawal.  The Bursar’s Office and the Registrar’s Office are the best resources for information regarding UW-Madison policies on tuition refunds, deadlines for refund eligibility, and medical withdrawal. 

Applications to withdraw from a term should be submitted before the posted deadline if at all possible.  Applications for late withdrawals will be accepted from L&S undergraduates up to one year following the term of enrollment in order to provide students time to address the challenges that led to the withdrawal decision.  Deadlines for late withdrawal applications appear below: 

  • Fall Term: Until December 30 of the following calendar year  

  • Spring Term: Until June 1 of the following calendar year 

  • Summer Term: Until September 1 of the following calendar year 

After these dates, withdrawal applications will be denied.  

Applications for medical withdrawal and late withdrawal require submission of supplemental documentation. Students should expect to provide a Description of the Circumstances leading to the withdrawal application, and students requesting a medical withdrawal will be asked to provide verification using UW-Madison's approved Medical Provider Form.  Both documents will be shared with the student once their application for withdrawal is received. 

Enrollment holds will be placed when students submit applications to withdraw in two or more consecutive terms.  Students with enrollment holds must meet with an academic dean from L&S Academic Deans’ Services to review their circumstances, consider available resources, and discuss success plans before the hold can be removed. 

Students who withdraw may be required to apply for re-entry if they do not re-enroll for at least one Fall or Spring Term after withdrawing.  Information on re-entry can be found at the Office of Admissions and Recruitment: https://admissions.wisc.edu/apply-as-a-reentry-student/. 

Students are encouraged to consult with L&S Undergraduate Academic Deans’ Services at any point in the withdrawal process.  

Resource for Questions: 
L&S Undergraduate Academic Deans' Services
Tel: (608) 262-0617 
Email: lsdeans@saa.ls.wisc.edu

withdrawal, online withdrawal, deadlines, drop deadline, medical withdrawal, summer session withdrawal deadline, semester, term, military withdrawal, active duty 
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