L&S Policy on Backdating Drops/Tuition Refunds

The following section concerns L&S policy on backdating drops and approving tuition refunds.

L&S follows UW-Madison policy on tuition refunds, medical withdrawal, and transcribing enrollment activity.  

Sometimes students request a backdated drop or withdrawal in order to obtain a tuition refund or to avoid having a course appear with a DR notation on their transcript. This type of request is rarely granted and requires strong documentation showing that a student was prevented from dropping or participating in the course by the appropriate deadline. Please note that providing documentation does not guarantee approval of requests for a backdated drop/withdrawal. 

L&S undergraduate students who have questions regarding this issue should contact the L&S Undergraduate Academic Deans’ Services at 608-262-0617 during regular business hours. If a student makes a request for a backdated drop/withdrawal for tuition purposes, an academic dean will consider: 

  • Was the student attending classes after the refund period? 

  • Was the student physically able to drop or withdraw for the class within the refund period?

Keywordstuition refund policy, refund, compassionate refund, fees, tuition, withdraw, refund checks, credit backs, financial aid, medical withdrawal, backdating drops,   Doc ID21704
OwnerTori R.GroupL&S KB
Created2011-12-12 23:23:53Updated2024-10-08 15:11:31
SitesL&S KB
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