L&S Senate Agenda

The L&S Faculty Senate is the main legislative body of the College, meeting once per semester. This document provides links to the agenda and materials for the next L&S Senate meeting. In general, the same L&S faculty who serve on the university-wide Faculty Senate also serve on this body, which considers issues and reports relevant to the College.

Contact information: The L&S Dean presides over the L&S Senate.  Questions/comments may be sent to the Dean's Office, or to Associate Dean Elaine M. Klein (elaine.klein@wisc.edu), who serves as the Secretary of the L&S Senate.

College of Letters and Science Senate



Spring 2025

Date:  Monday, March 17, 2025
Time:  1:00 - 2:30 p.m.
Location: 145 Birge Hall
Zoom Option: not available

  1. Welcome and Dean's Remarks
  2. Approval of Notes of the L&S Faculty Senate meeting held December 5, 2024
  3. Report on Inclusive Excellence and Organizational Equity – DeVon Wilson, Associate Dean for Inclusive Excellence and Mel Freitag, Assistant Dean for Inclusive Excellence and Organizational Strategy  (L&S Faculty Document 332)
  4. Update: Liberal Arts and Science Forward Project - Professor Kris Olds

FALL 2024

Date:  Thursday, December 5, 2024
Time:  2:00 - 3:30 p.m.
Location:  Mead Witter School of Music Hamel Music Center, Collins Recital Hall*
Zoom Option: not available

  1. Welcome 

  2. Approval of notes of the L&S Faculty Senate meeting held March 18, 2024

  3. Annual Reports

    1. Report of the L&S Honors Program, 2023-2024 L&S FacDoc 329

    2. Report of the L&S Curriculum Committee, 2023-2024 L&S FacDoc 330

    3. Report of the L&S Academic Planning Council, 2023-2024 L&S FacDoc 331

  4. Updates:
    1. Liberal Arts and Science Forward Project - Professor Kris Olds
      Interim Report, Summary of LASF work, Spring 2024 (finalized Summer 2024)
    2. Research, Innovation, and Scholarly Excellence (RISE) and L&S 
    3. Administrative Organization - “Administrative Regional Teams”  

Lea Aune, Director of L&S Human Resources

Jennifer Klippel, Associate Dean for Innovation and Strategic Budgeting

            d.   Questions for the Dean

*Please remember that consuming food and beverages is not allowed in the Recital Hall.

Please see L&S Senate Information for more information about the L&S Senate

governance, faculty governance, college senate, annual reports, faculty senate 
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