Faculty Center - Class Roster Classes or Term Not Listed
Class Roster is a part of Faculty Center, which is a module in MyUW.
If you cannot see the term or a class that you are teaching, it usually means you are not setup properly as the instructor of record for that class.
Tip- under My Teaching Schedule, click “view all” to ensure that you see all of your classes
Check Course Search & Enroll to see if you are listed as the instructor for the class and term in question.
- If your name appears on the class in Course Search & Enroll, but you cannot access your class roster, please contact the department's Curricular Representative. This is most likely due to a duplicate record in SIS and entry of the correct ID should resolve the problem.
- If your name does not appear, please contact the department's Curricular Representative and ask to be added to the class as the instructor of record.