Adobe License Prompt

Adobe named package installation repeatedly prompting for account confirmation.
In the course of testing the new named vs. shared licensing packages on a Windows system, discovered that the shared licensing package leaves system files behind that mark any subsequent Adobe package install to be subject to the account confirmation prompt that repeats every 90 minutes. These files persist after a standard uninstall and run of the Adobe Creative Cloud Cleaner tool. As a result, a subsequent install of the named package on the same machine that had the shared package installed previously resulted in the account confirmation prompt appearing every 90 minutes. The normal behavior for a named package is to have a user sign in once, then not have to confirm his/her identity thereafter. The normal behavior for a shared package, by contrast, is to have the user sign in then confirm his/her identity every 90 minutes thereafter. Confirmed on a second machine that the sequence of 1. Install shared package, 2. Uninstall shared package, 3. Install named package, resulted in the account confirmation prompt appearing just as it would for the shared package. Obviously, this repeated prompt is annoying for end users.


Per Adobe, when you install the shared package on a Windows system, a folder called OperatingConfigs is created at the following path: C:\ProgramData\Adobe\OperatingConfigs. If that folder contains files, then the shared licensing account confirmation prompt will be enabled, regardless of whether a named licensing package is currently installed. To clear the system of the shared license account confirmation prompt, do the following:
  1. Download Adobe’s Licensing Toolkit. Log into and navigate to Packages > Tools and Download the Licensing Toolkit. Then extract the zip.
  2. Open an elevated command prompt and run the adobe-licensing-toolkit.exe with the switch –deactivate. For example, > "C:\Users\name\Downloads\adobe-licensing-toolkit\win64\adobe-licensing-toolkit.exe" --deactivate If you check the OperatingConfigs folder, it should now be empty. Log files should appear in C:\Users\currentUser\AppData\Local\Temp\ with the file names NGLClient_default.log, NGLClient_AcrobatDCxxx.log, etc. for each Adobe application installed on the system. Confirm that this method removed the repeated account confirmation prompts from a named license install. If you have an Adobe named package installed on a Windows system, yet you are getting the account confirmation prompt, this method will likely solve your problem.

Information provided by:
Ryan Ashton UW-Madison Psychiatry IT

adobe prompts, adobe license, adobe named license, adobe shared license, adobe 90 minute prompt 
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David L. in Dermatology
Department of Dermatology