Viewing .fastqc Sequence Data using the FastQC program

Basic instructions how to download, install and view .fastqc data files using the FastQC program.
  1. Go to
    1. You should be brought to a FastQC webpage by Babrahman Bioinformatics
  2. Select “Download Now”
  3. A zip file titled “fastqc_v0.12.1” should be in your downloads folder. Move this folder to your desktop, as you will need this program to open the .fastqc files
  4. Open the “fastqc_v0.12.1 zip file” and locate a note titled “INSTALL”
  5. In the install instructions, you will be directed to have Java Runtime Environment (JRE) installed on the computer. You can go to to install the latest JRE.
    1. Download Temurin for Windows x64 by clicking “Latest LTS Release”
    2. Proceed with the installation of Temurin on your computer
  6. Once the JRE has been installed, go back to the “fastqc_v0.12.1” zip file.
  7. Click the “run_fastqc” batch file.
    1. Select “extract all” on the popup window
  8. A new window folder window titled “FastQC” should have opened on your computer
  9. Select the folder “FastQC”
  10. Within this folder, select “run_fastqc”
  11. A black cmd window and the FastQC software should have appeared on your screen.
  12. Now, you should be able to view your “.fastqc” data. *Note: you can only view one file at a time
  13. Save a copy of the .fastqc files that you would like to view on your desktop
  14. In the FastQC software, click File>Open
  15. Select Desktop
  16. Look for the “.fastqc” file that you would like to view, and select Open.
    1. It may take a few minutes for the data to populate
  17. Your data should now be viewable.
  18. Repeat steps 13-17 to view additional .fastqc files

Credit to our Clinical Research Fellow Santanna Patterson for creating these instructions.

.fastqc, sequence data file, sequence file viewing, uwbc data, sequence 
Doc ID:
Owned by:
David L. in Dermatology
Department of Dermatology