DARS Encoding Client Installation (DARwin/uAchieve client)

UW-Madison staff who are responsible for encoding the DARS Degree Program requirements as well as DARS Student Exceptions use Windows client software that's branded as "uAchieve" (formally known as "DARwin"). This document has a link to instructions for performing installing that software.

You will need Windows Administrator privileges for the workstation on which you're performing the install. For campus staff that don't have Administrator privileges, they'll need to work with their desktop support staff to perform the install.

Complete client install instructions are on wiki page uAchieve Encoding Client Install Info.

If you run into problems that you can't solve by referring to the page's Tips and issues section, contact Eric Schoville for help.

Contact Information:
Email: eric.schoville@wisc.edu

Keywordsdars darwin uAchieve installation configuration configure   Doc ID2243
OwnerEric S.GroupDoIT Help Desk
Created2003-09-15 18:00:00Updated2024-01-04 12:39:12
SitesDoIT Help Desk
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