L&S Criminal Background Checks

This document contains information regarding criminal background checks.

At the time of hire every employee needs to be reviewed at to determine if a criminal background check is needed.

The Board of Regents adopted a resolution on December 8, 2006 that requires the implementation of a UW System-wide criminal background check policy for new employees and current employees moving to positions of trust. On December 7, 2012, the Board of Regents amended the resolution to require criminal background checks be conducted on current employees and volunteers holding a position of trust with access to vulnerable populations.

Criminal Background Check Policy - https://kb.wisc.edu/ohr/policies/page.php?id=53234

Background checks are conducted at the division level by Background Check Coordinators (BCC). The L&S Background Check Coordinators are:

All Academic Staff, University Staff, Graduate Assistants, Short-term Academic Staff contact your units assigned HR Business Partner.
For a list of HR Business Partners and the units they support, see: Human Resources and Payroll contacts

All Faculty background checks contact Ben Weisse.

Questions: Contact your HR Business Partner

criminal background check, CBC, background checks, position of trust, vulnerable populations, criminal background policy, 23049 
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