SharedDrive (Mac) - Connecting to Windows Servers

This document details how to connect to the DoIT SharedDrive service from a Mac.

Mapping Network Drives to Windows Servers Using SMB File Protocol

Note 1: Apple has ended official support for the AFP protocol in 2013. SMB is now the default protocol in OSX and DoIT requires users to connect via the SMB protocol.

Note 2: To access servers in the AD.WISC.EDU Domain, the user's IP address must be allowed past campus firewalls. For UW-Madison users, if your computer is not plugged in via network cable to an approved network, you will need to procure a VPN connection before proceeding. See WiscVPN (Mac) - Downloading and Installing the WiscVPN AnyConnect Client for details.

With those disclaimers out of the way, proceed as follows.

  1. Open Finder.
  2. Click Go > Connect to Server.
  3. Enter the appropriate server address  then click Connect. If you do not know the correct server address for your department, contact your local IT support or contact the DoIT  helpdesk for assistance.
    • Example: smb://
    • Note: If asked, click "registered user" instead of "guest"
  4. When prompted for User Name and Password enter:
    • User: Your NetID
    • Password: Your NetID password

campus active directory drive map mapped mapping fileshare ad lan client windows shares share DoIT LAN client kerberos registry mac snow leopard lion maverick osx os x 10.6 10.7 10.8 10.9 apple windows smb afp connect connection to server shared drive shareddrive departmental file share sharing 
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Owned by:
Kevin K. in Systems Engineering
DoIT Help Desk, DoIT Staff, Systems Engineering