L&S Increased Job Security

This document provides information on requesting increased job security for academic staff.

Rolling Horizon, Multiple Year Appointment

Requests for increased job security should be sent to your HR Associate Director. The request should include a CV and the Job Security Request. Your HR Associate Director will coordinate the request with the appropriate Associate Dean.

As with other decisions having budgetary implications, the College must be cautious in making such extended commitments, but these appointments may be appropriate in particular circumstances. Initial rolling horizon appointments will generally not be made for more than two years, and in no case will the Associate Dean authorize a rolling-horizon appointment of more than three years' duration.

Indefinite Appointment

University policy requires a department to request Dean's permission to consider a member of the academic staff for an indefinite appointment before undertaking the review necessary for a decision by the executive committee to recommend an indefinite appointment. Both in determining whether to request such permission, and in subsequently deciding whether to recommend the indefinite appointment, the executive committee should carefully weigh the issues discussed in the Indefinite Appointments. "Principles for Recommending Indefinite Appointments for Academic Staff", developed as College policy by the L&S Academic Planning Council in 1979. A departmental executive committee should pay particular attention to the questions posed in Section 3, and be prepared to discuss and support the answers with the appropriate Associate Dean or the Dean. The vote of the executive committee should be recorded and reported to the Associate Dean (via memo and c.v.), as in a faculty tenure recommendation. If/when "approval to proceed" is granted, departments should follow the Guidelines for Proposing Academic Staff Members for Indefinite Status.

Note that indefinite and rolling-horizon appointments are associated with a particular person in a particular position, do not remain with the position if vacated by the person, and do not automatically remain with the person if he or she moves to another position. An indefinite appointment, in particular, is associated with a person in an operational area, which is defined by the department and Dean at the time an indefinite appointment is approved.

Questions on indefinite appointments should be directed to Lea Aune.

Related Links

UPPP, Chapter 9

ASPP, Chapter 2

Keywordsjob security, rolling horizon, indefinite, multiple year 23723   Doc ID23723
OwnerJana K.GroupL&S KB
Created2012-04-11 08:58:43Updated2023-06-01 15:28:25
SitesL&S KB
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