L&S Spring & Winter Commencement Information

This document contains basic information about matters related to commencement and graduation in the College of Letters & Science. Please see the links listed below for more detailed information about graduation requirements and procedures, the Commencement Ceremony, and the L&S Pre-Commencement Reception.

Commencement in the College of Letters & Science

Please visit the College's website for the latest information about Commencement in L&S: ls.wisc.edu/current-students/commencement

Please visit the UW-Madison Commencement website for the latest information on campus Commencement: commencement.wisc.edu

Graduation Requirements

It is the responsibility of the student to make sure that all graduation requirements are met.  Check the Degree Audit Reporting System (DARS) regularly to ensure that all degree requirements will be completed on time.  For programs in which DARS is the official document of record, a student cannot graduate until the DARS indicates that he/she has met all requirements of the academic program(s).

Students must apply to graduate to complete their program(s).  To apply to graduate through the Office of the Registrar, please visit the following website: registrar.wisc.edu/applyforgraduation/

Master's and Doctoral students can also find information at the Graduate School's "Completing Your Degree" webpage: https://grad.wisc.edu/current-students/doctoral-guide/.

Questions and concerns about academic matters related to commencement and graduation should be directed to the student's advisor, or to L&S Academic Advising Services at advisingaas@ls.wisc.edu or 608-262-5858.  

Information for students preparing to receive a degree and/or participate in the campus commencement ceremony can be found at the following website: commencement.wisc.edu.

The Commencement Ceremony

The Office of the Chancellor coordinates the campus Commencement Ceremony.   

For general information and frequently asked questions, please visit commencement.wisc.edu/

For specific questions about the campus Commencement Ceremony, please contact the Office of the Chancellor at 608-263-2400 or email commence@chancellor.wisc.edu

Commencement Celebrations in the College of Letters & Science

The College of Letters & Science holds a Pre-Commencement Celebration for graduates in the College, their families, and friends. 

 Both Spring and Winter Pre-Commencement Celebration receptions take place the day before or on the day of Commencement before the ceremony within their given semester. All Bachelor's, Master's and PhD candidates who have indicated an intention to graduate in L&S receive an invitation. Receptions are free and will feature remarks from College of Letters & Science Dean Eric Wilcots, refreshments, and giveaways. 

Please visit ls.wisc.edu/current-students/commencement for the most up to date information on the L&S Pre-Commencement Reception.

Individual departments and programs may have celebrations honoring graduates in their field of study. Check with your department or program to find out about any special activities or celebrations related to commencement.

For questions regarding the L&S Pre-Commencement Celebration, please contact commence@ls.wisc.edu 

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